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  • (Out of Stock) International Journal for the Study of CHAN BUDDHISM AND HUMAN CIVILIZATION

(Out of Stock) International Journal for the Study of CHAN BUDDHISM AND HUMAN CIVILIZATION

(published in electronic formats starting from issue 7)

Center for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilisation

Chinese , 2019/01

229 x 153 mm ISBN / ISSN : 2519-611-1

  • US$25.00

Out Of Stock


The International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization (IJSCBHC) aims to become a high quality academic publication on Buddhism and Buddhist studies. The content of the journal includes researches that account for historical, philosophical, cultural, theoretical and methodological examination of various Buddhist schools from its traditional period up to the contemporary era. IJSCBHC concerns topics relating Buddhism with the society, politics, science and other current issues as well as the exploration of its relationship with modernization and globalization. We also encourage researches that integrate various Buddhist canons, doctrines with different historical courses.

The journal covers topics of the following categories:

  1. Hermeneutic studies of Buddhist Canon in connection with the theoretical foundation and practices of Humanistic Buddhism
  2. Historical and philosophical studies of various Buddhist schools
  3. Theoretical and methodological studies
  4. Case studies on topics relating Buddhism with the society, politics, economics, charity and other current issues
  5. Book and article reviews


This journal will be published in electronic formats starting from issue 7. Please go to http://cbhc.crs.cuhk.edu.hk/main/journal to access to the journal.

名譽顧問Honorary Adviser
大願法師Venerable Master Da Yuan(六祖寺方丈 Abbot, Liuzu Temple)

主編Chief Editor
學愚Xue Yu( 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

編輯委員Editorial Board (以筆劃序)
Kiely, Jan(香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
成建華Cheng, Jian Hua(中國社會科學院 The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
李四龍Li, Si Long(北京大學 Peking University)
李玉珍Li, Yu Chen(國立清華大學 National Tsing Hua University)
李向平Li, Xiang Ping(華東師範大學 East China Normal University)
張風雷Zhang, Feng Lei(中國人民大學 Renmin University of China)
陳金華Chen, Jin Hua(University of British Columbia)
黃國清Huang, Kuo-ching(南華大學 Nanhua University)
溫金玉Wen, Jin Yu(中國人民大學Renmin University of China)
賴品超Lai, Pan Chiu(香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
譚偉倫Tam, Wai Lun(香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
龔雋Gong, Jun(中山大學 Sun Yat-Sen University)

顧問委員Advisory Board ( 以筆劃序)
King, Sallie(James Madison University)
Queen, Christopher S.(Harvard University)
于君方Yu, Chun-fang(Columbia University)
王邦維Wang, Bang Wei(北京大學Peking University)
洪修平Hong, Xiu Ping(中國人民大學Nanjing University)
黃夏年Huang, Xia Nian(中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所
Institute of World Religious, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
賴永海 Lai, Yong Hai(中國人民大學Nanjing University)

出版 Publisher
中文大學出版社 The Chinese University Press

Submission Guidelines
1. Submissions can be in the form of research papers, articles,research notes, specialized discussion and book reviews in either English or Chinese.
2. Length and Capacity:
a. Manuscripts in Chinese should not exceed 15,000 characters and book reviews should not exceed 5,000 characters;
b. Manuscripts in English should not exceed 25 pages (Times New Roman, 12-point type, double space), and book reviews should not exceed 8 pages in length;
c. Exceptions can be made for works solicited by the editors.
3. Please attach a cover page with your submission identifying: the title of your manuscript in both Chinese and English; author(s) name(s); affiliation(s) and post(s); contact details such as correspondence address, contact phone number, fax number, email address, etc. Except the cover page, the body of the manuscript should not contain any content that can review any information of the author(s), in order to preserve anonymity during anonymous peer review.
4. Format:
a. Title (in both English and Chinese)
b. Abstract (in both English and Chinese, approx. 500 words)
c. Keywords (in both English and Chinese, approx. 5 words)
d. Main body
e. List of works cited
5. The IJSCBHC is published semiyearly in printed formats. Calling for papers is continuous throughout the year; submissions will be categorized and sent to the reviewers for anonymous peer review upon reception. The reviewers consist of scholars of relevant
244 Submission Guidelines profession. Authors may be requested to rewrite or resubmit based on reviewers’ comments before acceptance or rejection by the IJSCBHC.
6. The IJSCBHC retains the right to edit all submissions. If this is unacceptable, please state so on the cover page of the manuscript.
7. Submissions must be previously unpublished, including any paper or electronic formats (for papers presented at a conference, please make sure that no conference proceedings have been or will be published). If we discovered that an author has published the
same article with another institution, we reserve the right to refuse publication of the author’s articles in the future.
8. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint copyrighted works, including charts, tables, photographs, maps and etc. The IJSCBHC is not responsible for copyright violations.
9. After a submission has been accepted for publication in the IJSCBHC, we wholly own the copyrights of the article. The author or any personnel, regardless of the purpose, must obtain the permission from IJSCBHC to reprint (abridged versions) or translate any articles.
10. After an article has been published, the property right is given to the IJSCBHC as well as IJSCBHC authorized academic and research institutes and databases to reprint and reproduce on printing or digital formats for browsing, downloading, printing, or any academic research related purposes.
11. Honorarium will not be offered for accepted manuscripts. 2 free copies of IJSCBHC will be given and sent to the author(s) as a compliment.
12. Submissions in Chinese must follow “《禪與人類文明研究》統一編輯體例”; citations of submissions in English must follow The Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (notes and bibliography system).
13. Submissions that do not meet the guidelines aforementioned will be returned to the author(s) for revision and resubmission.
14. All submissions should be sent to cbhc@cuhk.edu.hk in Microsoft Word compatible format. Please include “Submission to IJSCBHC” in the subject title of your e-mail.

Issue 6, 2019
Issue 5, 2019
Issue 4, 2019
Issue 3, 2018
Issue 2, 2017
Issue 1, 2016

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