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  • The China Review

The China Review

An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press

English , 2025/02

229 x 152 mm , 170pp ISBN / ISSN : 1680-2012

  • US$34.00

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Also available in print / e-version

The China Review is a continuation of China Review, an annual publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press since 1991. It publishes twice a year in April and October since 2001 and four issues per year starting from 2018; a scholarly journal covering various disciplines of study on Greater China and its people, namely, domestic politics and international relations; society, business and economic development; modern history, the arts and cultural studies.

  • The only China-based English journal devoted to the study of Greater China and its people
  • A vigorously refereed journal with international advisory and editorial boards

Teachers, scholars, researchers, journalists and students interested in the developments of China will find this publication a comprehensive and indispensable tool.
Indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Current Geographical Publications, International Political Science Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, MLA International Bibliography, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Social Scisearch and Enterpreneurship Research Engine.
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The China Review tries every effort to ensure that editors, editorial board members and reviewers treat every submission equally and respectfully. 

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Wang Shaoguang, Tsinghua University


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Daniel A. Bell, University of Hong Kong; Kam Wing Chan, University of Washington; Roger C. K. Chan, University of Hong Kong; *Albert H. Y. Chen, University of Hong Kong; Chen Jian, New York University Shanghai; Chen Yung-fa, Academia Sinica; Yun-han Chu, National Taiwan University; Deborah Davis, Yale University; Gan Yang, Tsinghua University; Hamashita Takeshi, Sun Yet-sen University; *Chang-tai Hung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Qingguo Jia, Peking University; Kuan Hsin-chi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Y. Y. Kueh, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lau Chong Chor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lau Siu-kai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; David D. Li, Tsinghua University; Li Shi, Beijing Normal University; Li Si-ming, Hong Kong Baptist University; Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University; Hanlong Lu, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences; Xiaobo Lü, Columbia University; Bonnie S. McDougall, The University of Sydney; Barry Naughton, University of California, San Diego; *Shen Jianfa, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Kang Shi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Alvin Y. So, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Yun-wing Sung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; *Kwok-kan Tam, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong; *Tsui Kai Yuen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Xi Chao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Wang Xi, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Christine P. Wong, The University of Melbourne; Wong Siu-lun, University of Hong Kong; Wu Fengshi, University of New South Wales; *Wu Xiaogang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Geng Xiao, Fung Global Institute; Xin Chunying, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Yan Xiaojun, University of Hong Kong; Quansheng Zhao, American University; Xueguang Zhou, Stanford University

* Executive Members

Guidelines for Contributors

The China Review welcomes manuscript submissions of high-quality research articles, research notes and book reviews dealing with the political, economic, social, and historical aspects of modern and contemporary China. Manuscripts submitted for publication must comply with the following guidelines:

1. Submission: Articles to be considered for publication should be sent to the Chief Editor in electronic format with an abstract (150–200 words) printed on a separate page. If an electronic copy cannot be sent for review, three hard copies alone may be sent with the author’s name omitted for the purpose of anonymity (though an electronic copy will be necessary if the article is approved for publication). Research articles should not be longer than 10,000 words (including endnotes). Research notes should normally be approximately 3,000 words (including endnotes), and book reviews between 800 and 1,000 words. The text should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font on A4 paper, and double-spaced. Manuscripts will be reviewed by external readers under the double-blind system. Authors should prepare manuscripts with an effort to eliminate identifying information for the purpose of peer review.

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5. Tables and Figures: All tables and figures should be clearly numbered and typed separately at the end of the manuscript with an indication in the text where it should be placed such as “Table 1 placed here.” The size and font of such tables should take into account the journal’s physical dimensions of 14 x 21 cm.

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Below are some examples for endnotes:
(i) Victor Nee, “A Theory of Market Transition: From Redistribution to Markets in State Socialism,” American Sociological Review, Vol. 54, No. 4 (1989), pp. 663–681.
(ii) An Yuanchao, “Woguo gongren jieji duiwu jiazhi guannian bianhua de diaocha” (An Investigation of Value Changes of Working Class People in Our Country), Dangdai sichao (Contemporary Thoughts), No. 2 (1997), p. 37.
(iii) Yunxiang Yan, The Flow of Gifts (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), pp. 55–57.
(iv) Chong Chor Lau, “The Chinese Family and Gender Roles in Transition,” in China Review 1993, edited by Joseph Yu-shek Cheng and Maurice Brosseau (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1993), p. 201.

9. Biographical Note: Each contributor is requested to provide a short biographical note (research interests, current post, major publications, etc.) of 50 to 60 words.

All submissions for publication should be sent to:


All books for review should be sent to:
The China Review
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press
The China University of Hong Kong
Shatin, New Territories
Hong Kong

Fax: (852) 2603 7355

Vol.25, No.1, February 2025 

Research Articles

Chinese Central Government Intervention in Local Policy Capacity Building: When and Why

XiaoHu Wang, Jinwei Li, Zhihang Yuan, and Jingyuan Xu

Government Size, Fiscal Decentralization, and Budget Slack: Evidence from Chinese Prefectures

Jinjin Wu and Hanyu Xiao

Online Courts in China: A New Hybrid Model for Access to Justice

Wei Gao and Lu Xu

Accommodating Veterans in China: Resettlement, Resistance, and the Rise of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs

Kai Yang

“New Forms of Human Civilization”: China’s Eurasian Foreign Policy

Ting-mien Lee

Book Reviews

Fear of Seeing: A Poetics of Chinese Science Fiction.By Mingwei Song.

Anqi Liu

Vol.24, No.4, November 2024 

Research Articles

Bureaucratic Informal Rules and State Infrastructural Power: Local Governments’ Informal Land Administration in China

Zhikui Xie, Huirong Chen, and Guangming Jiang

Institutional Centralization: Adaptation of Party and Government in China, 2012–Present

Wen-Hsuan Tsai and Wang Zhou

Law and Order: The Political Power and Constraints of Labor Governance in China’s Platform Economy (full text)

Hong Yu Liu

Urbanization, Ethnic Diversity, and the Risk of Violence: A Case Study of China’s Western Frontier

Haiyan Duan, Xun Cao, and Yingjie Wei

Triadic Interactions and Exchanges: Cross-Strait Mazu Worship and Tourism in Post-Handover Macau, China

Kwok-shing Chan

Book Reviews

Macau in the Second World War, 1937–1945: Diplomacy, Politics and Society. By Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo

Ying-ho Kwong

Vol.24, No.3, August 2024 

Special Feature

Law and Social Credit in China: An Introduction 

Björn Ahl, Larry Catá Backer, and Yongxi Chen (Guest Editors)

Debating the Legality of Social Credit Measures in China: A Review of Chinese Legal Scholarship

Marianne von Blomberg and Björn Ahl

The Evolving Complex of the Chinese Corporate Tax Credit System and Tax Law

Haixu Yu

Social Credit “in” or “as” the Cage of Regulation of Socialist Legality

Larry Catá Backer

Building a High-Trust Society: Lineage, Logic, and Limitations of China’s Social Credit System

Chun Peng

Disregarding Blameworthiness, Prioritizing Deterrence: China’s Social Credit-Based Punishment and the Erosion of Individual Autonomy

Yongxi Chen

Legal and Ritological Dynamics of Personalized “Pillars of Shame” in Chinese Social Credit System Construction

Keren Wang

Research Articles

Governing China in Digit: A Framework for Assessing the Development of Digital Government in 101 Chinese Municipalities

Kaiping Zhang, Jinxu Zhao, and Tianguang Meng

Exploiting Ethnic and Religious Separatism as a Tool: U.S. Policy in Xinjiang during the Early Cold War

Jie Li and Shu Yang

From Financial Supervision to Morality Construction: Political Narratives of the Social Credit System Policy Process

Pierre Sel

Book Reviews

After Autonomy: A Post-Mortem for Hong Kong’s first Handover, 1997–2019. By Daniel F. Vukovich

Simon NM Young

Decolonisation in the Age of Globalisation: Britain, China, and Hong Kong, 1979–89. By Chi-kwan Mark

Lui Tai Lok

Cultures Colliding: American Missionaries, Chinese Resistance, and the Rise of Modern Institutions in China. By John R. Haddad

Joseph Tse-Hei Lee

Vol.24, No.2, May 2024 

Special Feature

MLegal and Regulatory Harmonization in the Greater Bay Area 

Chao Xi (Guest Editor)

Conceptualizing Greater Bay Area Law and Legal Culture

Lutz-Christian Wolff

Proof-of-Foreign Law Issues in Greater Bay Area

King Fung Tsang

Hong Kong as a Center of International and Regional Aviation in the GBA Initiative

Jae Woon Lee, Ho Ming Lam, and Max Ting Fung Lui

Regulatory Pathways of Renewable Energy Integration in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Hao Zhang

Research Articles

Bring SOEs Back for Technological Catch-Up: COMAC and China’s Commercial Aircraft Industry

Wei Chen and Shu Keng

The Speculative Hukou Conversion of Rural Migrants in China

Chenglong Wang and Jianfa Shen

Family Business Online and Offline: Gender Inequalities and Regional Disparities in China

Jing Song and Zongyin Zhao

Book Reviews

Principles and Laws in World Politics: Classical Chinese Perspectives on Global Conflict. By Walter Lee

Ksenia Radchenkova

Vol.24, No.1, February 2024 

Special Feature

Meetings as Mirrors: An Invitation to an Understudied Mechanism for Understanding China and Politics 

Junqiang Liu (Guest Editors)

Behind Closed Doors: Examining the Duality of Government Executive Meetings in a Chinese County

Junqiang Liu

Triumph of Non-Optimal Candidates: How Do the City Coordination Conferences Recruit New Members?

Yu Lu and Guopeng Hu

The Rhythm of Government: Attention in China’s Central- and Provincial-Level Executive Meetings

Jianchuang Yang and Hui Zhou

Research Articles

The Regime’s New Approach to its Representative Claim in the Digital Era: A Case Study of the “Visit Once” Reform in China

Biao Huang, Jianxing Yu, and Yongdong Shen

Writing “Revisionist China”: The Political Thought Dimension of the China Threat

Chih-yu Shih

Navigating the Complex Landscape of a Great Power Identity: The Predicament of China’s Soft Power Projection

Xiangning Wu and Peiyu Wang

The Rise of China’s South China Sea Think Tanks: Nexus, Network, Narrative

Ngeow Chow-Bing

Research Note

The Differential Mode of Association in Contemporary China: An Enriched Portrayal

Anning Hu

Book Reviews Essay

The First (Westerner) Dean of Political Science in China: A Valuable Idealist

Yan Sun

Vol.23, No.4, November 2023 

Special Issue

External and Internal Factors Shaping the Outcomes of 2024 Elections in Taiwan (free access) 

Gang Lin and Weixu Wu (Guest Editors)

Geopolitics, Domestic Politics, and Risks of War in the Taiwan Strait: Washington and Emerging Cross-Strait Dynamics

Weixing Hu and Weizhan Meng

Parallel Perceptions: Divergent Perspectives of the United States and China on the Taiwan Issue and Risky Implications

Xin Qiang and Wang Jialin

The Russo-Ukraine War and the Perceived Global Power Shift: Factors Influencing U.S. Taiwan Policy Change

Wenxing Zhou and Jing Chen

Money Is Not Everything: Political Contributions and Legislative Cosponsorship in Chinese Taiwan

Chao Chen, Hua Tang, and Rui Wang

Political Maneuvers on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in Taiwan

Hong Tian and Gang Lin

Research Articles

The Impact of U.S.-China Tensions on People Mobility

Zheng Wang, Li Tang, Cong Cao, and Zhuo Zhou

U.S. Military Signals to China in the Asia-Pacific, 2015–2022

Haixia Qi and Mingze Li

The Anatomy of Diplomatic Work among China’s Top Leaders

Wei-Feng Tzeng

Being a Valuable Daughter in a Rural Family: The Relational Identity and Empowered Gender Subjectivities of Female Vocational College Students

Anita Koo and Yang Zhan

Book Review Essay

Russia’s Turn to East and “Asymmetrical” Sino-Russian Relations: History and Facts

Ka-ho Wong

Book Reviews

Cooperating for the Climate: Learning from International Partnerships in China’s Clean Energy Sector. By Joanna I. Lewis

Calvin King Lam Chung

The Stage in the Temple: Ritual Opera in Village Shanxi. By David Johnson

Geng Li

Readers’ Response

How Not to Write an Academic Book Review: A Response to Yuri Pines’ Essay

Amitav Acharya, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong

Vol.23, No.3, August 2023 

Research Articles

Weaving the Social Fabric: Party-Led Community Social Capital Building in Rural Guangdong 

Ming Ma and Yi Kang

Situational Voluntary Compliance: Adherence to COVID-19 Social Distancing Guidelines in the 2020 Local Outbreak in Beijing (free access) 

Ning Liu, Christopher P. Reinders Folmer, Carlos Wing-Hung Lo, and Benjamin van Rooij

Implementation of Dog Ban Policies in China: Regular Enforcement and Special Campaigns

Kege Li

Is Unconditional Foreign Aid Necessarily Harmful? China’s Foreign Aid and Human Rights in Africa

Zhiyuan Wang

The Growing Chinese Economic Presence in Chile: Opinions Among the Chilean Elite

Andres Borquez, Felipe Muñoz, and Diego Leiva

Themed Section: Evolving Hong Kong Society

Are the Rising Anti-China Sentiments Across the Globe Populist? Assessing an Established Case—Hong Kong Localism

Matthew Ming-tak Chew

Social Media Framing in the Global Health Crisis: Pro-Democracy Versus Pro-Regime Opinion Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong

Ying-ho Kwong

The Impact of a Transnational Background on Family Migration Considerations Amid Political Uncertainty: Second-Generation Returnees in Hong Kong

Lucille Lok-Sun Ngan, Anita Kit-Wa Chan, Rami Hin-Yeung Chan, and Queenie Kwan-Yee Siu

The Settling Experience of Hongkongers in London: Another Case of Reluctant Migration in Fear of Beijing’s Takeover

Wing Chung Ho

Book Review Essays

Ancient China and India: The Story of IR Fiasco?

Yuri Pines

China Correspondents Unmasked: The Stories Behind the Storytellers

Luwei Rose Luqiu

Book Reviews

Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997).By Michael Ng

Chi-kwan Mark

Great Power Strategies—The United States, China, and Japan.By Quansheng Zhao

Zhiqun Zhu

The Power of Print in Modern China: Intellectuals and Industrial Publishing from the End of Empire to Maoist State Socialism.By Robert Culp

Fan Zhuang

Vol.23, No.2, May 2023

Special Issue

What Does It Mean to Be or to Become Chinese? Interdisciplinary Reflections on Chinese Identity (free access)

Daniel A. Bell (Guest Editor)

To Be or To Become a Chinese, That Is a Question

Zhao Tingyang

What Would Confucius Say? Everyone Is (More or Less) Chinese

Roger T. Ames

Rethinking Han Chinese Identity

Patricia Buckley Ebrey

Reflections on the Zhong Guo and the Yi Di with Reference to the Middle Period

Peter K. Bol

Filial Piety for Modern China

Wang Pei

The Evolution of Modern Chinese Nationality Law: A Historical Perspective

Albert H. Y. Chen

The Dilemmas of Becoming Chinese in Taiwan

Max Ko-wu Huang

Tianxia and Its Decolonial Counterparts: “China” as Civilization, Not Ethnicity

Shuchen Xiang

Book Reviews

The Performative State: Public Scrutiny and Environmental Governance in China. By Iza Ding

Jessica C. Teets

Avoiding the “Thucydides Trap”: US-China Relations in Strategic Domains.Edited by Dong Wang and Travis Tanner

Øystein Tunsjø

Citizens of Two Kingdoms: Civil Society and Christian Religion in Greater China. Edited by Shun-hing Chan and Jonathan W. Johnson

Zhixi Wang

Religious Entrepreneurism in China’s Urban House Churches: The Rise and Fall of Early Rain Reformed Presbyterian Church. By Li Ma

Marie-Eve Reny

Vol.23, No.1, February 2023

Special Feature

Discerning China’s Bilateral Relations in the Indo Pacific: Views from China and the Region

Feng Liu and Kai He (Guest Editors)

China’s Bilateral Relations, Order Transition, and the Indo-Pacific Dynamics

Feng Liu and Kai He

Infrastructure Statecraft and Sino-U.S. Strategic Competition in the Indo-Pacific

Minghao Zhao

Parsing Post-Pandemic U.S.-China Competition: Mutual (Mis)Perceptions and Dueling Geostrategies

Andrew Scobell

The U.S. Factor and the Evolution of China-India Relations

Li Li

The Himalayan Barrier: India-China Relations since Galwan

Shounak Set and Harsh V. Pant

The Japanese “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” and Sino-Japanese Relations: A Chinese Perspective

Zheng Chen and Guangtao Wang

Stability and Fragility in Japan-China Relations: China’s Pivotal Power and Japan’s Strategic Leverage

Rumi Aoyama

China-Australia Relations and China’s Policy Choices toward Australia: A Chinese Perspective

Fangyin Zhou

Explaining the Troubled Australia-China Relationship: A Perspective from Australia

Bates Gill

Reinforcing Wedging: Assessing China’s Southeast Asia Policy in the Context of Indo-Pacific Strategy

Ruonan Liu

Herding Cats: Coordination Challenges in ASEAN’s Approach to China

Chong Ja Ian

Research Articles

The U.S.-Threat Discourse, Hawkish and Maneuvered Public, and China’s Foreign Policy

Xiangning Wu

Moving to Formality and Openness?An Analysis of China’s New Two-Tiered Sanctions Policy

Jiaying Xing and Mingjiang Li

The Revolutionary Origin of the CCP Commissar System:How it Differed from the Bolshevik Prototype

Luyang Zhou

Book Reviews

Treaty for a Lost City: The Sino-British Joint Declaration. By C. L. Lim.

Long Cheng

Civil–Military Relations in Post-Deng China: From Symbiosis to Quasi-Institutionalization. By Nan Li.

Hong Kong Nguyen

Qu Qiubai yu kua wenhua xiandai xing (Qu Qiubai and Transcultural Modernity). By Lik Kwan Cheung.

Lisa Chu Shen

Vol.22, No.4, November 2022

Special Feature

New Sectors, New Spaces, and China’s Evolving State–Firm Relations

Jiang Xu, Calvin King Lam Chung, Haibin Yang, and Hongling Guan (Guest Editors)

State–Firm Relations in Knowledge Sourcing for Regional Innovation: The Rise of the Robotics Industry in Dongguan, China

Shali Zheng, Xiaozhen Qin, Calvin King Lam Chung, Muzhe Pan, and Xun Li

Hierarchically Differentiated Dynamics of State–Business Relations in Regional Innovation: Building National Enterprise Technology Centers in China’s Greater Bay Area

Lin Ye, Meng Li, and Xingzhou Song

(Re)shaping Urban Governance through State–Business Interaction in Inland China’s Emerging Industries

Jiang Xu, Guannan Zou, and Calvin King Lam Chung

Strategic State–Firm Relations for the Belt and Road Initiative: A Geoeconomics Reading

James Jixian Wang and Jiang Xu

Research Articles

The “Follow-Up Checks” of Poverty Alleviation: An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Government Behavior in Policy Implementation

Qinzhi Jiang, Gang Lin, and Weixu Wu

Steering China’s Economic Reform and Cross-Strait Integration Under “Top-Level Design”: The Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone

Gunter Schubert and Sascha Zhivkov

Living with the State-Led Order: Practical Acceptance and Unawareness of the Chinese Middle Class

Zhengxu Wang and Long Sun

Social Construction of Target Groups and Policy Design: Lessons from the Housing Policy for Migrant Workers in China

Yapeng Zhu and Hui Ding

Rural-Urban Sexual Divide in China: Quantitative Evidence on Comparing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People’s Lives in Rural and Urban China

Yiu Tung Suen, Randolph C. H. Chan, and Eliz Miu Yin Wong

Book Review Essay

Empowering the Subordinate in Multi-Layered Contexts

Warren Wenzhi Lu

Book Review

China’s Drive for the Technology Frontier: Indigenous Innovation in the High-Tech Industry. By Yin Li

Ziying Jiang

Vol.22, No.3, Aug 2022

Special Feature

How the Chinese Judiciary Works: New Insights from Data-Driven Research

Chao Xi(Guest Editor)

From Local to Upper Capture: The Chinese Experiment of Administrative Courts

Chao Ma, Chao-Yo Cheng, and Haibo He

Ethnic Disparity in Chinese Theft Sentencing: A Modified Focal Concerns Perspective

Yali Peng and Jinhua Cheng

When a Judicial Mistake Went Viral: The Diffusion of Law in China

Yingcheng Qi, Ruobing Wang, Ning Cao, and Chao Xi

Is Trial Fairness Affected in Live Broadcast? Preliminary Evidence from a Court in China

Yingmao Tang, Zhuang Liu, and Kangyun Bao

Death Sentence Review by the Supreme People’s Court in China: Decision Patterns and Variations

Moulin Xiong, Siyu Liu, and Bin Liang

Caught between Professionalism and Populism: A Big-Data Analysis of the Lay Participation System in China

Xiaohong Yu and Xiang Wang

Research Articles

Does Soft Propaganda Work? The Impact of Inequality Rhetoric on Opinions toward Economic Inequality in China

Shuai Jin

Why People Don’t Protest?Work Units, Selective Paternalism, and Social Ties in China

Yanhua Deng and Min Zhou

Cooptating the New Elites: Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Policy Implementation in Rural China

Zhipeng Liu and Lili Liu

How Are “Red Social Workers” Trained? Party-Building Absorption of Society in China

Jieren Hu, Peng Zeng, and Tong Wu

Market Merits and Family Virtues: Family Caregivers in the Labor Market of Hong Kong

Haijing Dai, Nahri Jung, Nanxun Li, and Min Hu

Book Reviews

Can Hong Kong Exceptionalism Last? Dilemmas of Governance and Public Administration over Five Decades, 1970s–2020. By Anthony B. L. Cheung

Peter Tsan Yin Cheung

Mainland China’s Taiwan Policy: From Peaceful Development to Selective Engagement. By Qiang Xin

Gang Lin

Chinese Courts and Criminal Procedure: Post-2013 Reforms.By Björn Ahl

Ivy Shenglan Chen

The Wuhan Lockdown. By Guobin Yang

Fei Yan

Transmutation of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China.By Qiancheng Li

Tan Jing

Vol.22, No.2, May 2022

Special Feature

Fighting Corruption in China: Trajectory, Dynamics, and Impact

Ting Gong and Wenyan Tu (Guest Editors)

The Dynamics and Trajectory of Corruption in Contemporary China

Andrew Wedeman

The Rise and Fall of Ruling Oligarchs: Fighting “Political Corruption” in China

Jiangnan Zhu

The Role of Political Networks in Anti-Corruption Investigations

Kainan Gao and Margaret M. Pearson

How Does Anti-Corruption Information Affect Public Perceptions of Corruption in China?

Zongfeng Sun, Lin Zhu, and Xing Ni

Trust and Effectiveness in Corruption Prevention: Evidence from Hong Kong

Hanyu Xiao, Ian Scott, and Ting Gong

Research Articles

Social Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: A Survey of Rural Migrant Workers’ Attitudes in China

Kun Yang, Huamin Peng, and Jia Chen

Tradition and Transition: Hukou-Based Urbanization Status and Co-Residence with Elderly Parents in Contemporary China

Xiangmei Li, Zheng Su, and Haijing Dai

Ethnicity-Based Labor Dynamics in Contemporary China: Case of Ethnic Yi Workers in the Pearl River Delta

Xinrong Ma and Yihui Su

Wolf Warriors and Diplomacy in the New Era: An Empirical Analysis of China’s Diplomatic Language

Yaoyao Dai and Luwei Rose Luqiu

China’s Strategic Partnership with Russia amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ka-ho Wong and Lawrence Ka-ki Ho

Dancing Between Beijing and Taipei: Vietnam in the Shadow of the Belt and Road Initiative

Chiung-Chiu Huang and Nguyen Cong Tung

Book Reviews

The Changing Legal Orders in Hong Kong and Mainland China: Essays on “One Country, Two Systems”. By Albert H. Y. Chen

Bing Ling

The State Strikes Back: The End of Economic Reform in China?. By Nicholas R. Lardy

Tao Lin

China and the Cholera Pandemic: Restructuring Society under Mao. By Xiaoping Fang

Jia Liu

Songs of the Lisu Hills: Practicing Christianity in Southwest China. By Aminta Arrington

Zhixi Wang

China’s Pension Reforms: Political Institutions, Skill Formation and Pension Policy in China. By Ke Meng

Mel Cousins

Vol.22, No.1, February 2022

Special Feature

Transforming China’s Industrial Innovation in the New Era

Kaidong Feng, Yin Li, and William Lazonick (Guest Editors)

China’s Innovative Enterprises at the Frontiers: Lessons from Indigenous Innovation in Telecom-Equipment and Semiconductor Industries

Yin Li and Kaidong Feng

Innovation in a Science-Based Sector: The Institutional Evolution behind China’s Emerging Biopharmaceutical Innovation Boom

Yu Zhou and Abigail E. Coplin

The Multiple Roles of State-Owned Enterprises in China’s Innovation System: A Case Study of High-Speed Railways

Yanghua Huang

Agile Business Development, Chinese Style: An Exploration of the Low-Speed Electric Vehicle Industry in Shandong Province, China

Yu Zou, Markus Taube, Gang Liu, and Shuanping Dai

Research Articles

China’s Cloud Governance: The Big Data Bureau and COVID-19 Crisis Management

Ruihua Lin, Hsin-Hsien Wang, and Wen-Hsuan Tsai

The Rise of Think Tanks as Institutional Involution in Post-Socialist China

Gan Li and Weiqing Song

Confucius Institute to the South Seas: A Case of Localization and Soft Power in Singapore

Zhou Xizhuang Michael

China’s Universities Go to Southeast Asia: Transnational Knowledge Transfer, Soft Power, Sharp Power

Ngeow Chow-Bing

Practicing the Cold War: What Communism Meant for Xiamen Fishermen/Women in the 1950s and 1960s

Yongming Chen and Zhiyu Zhang

The Business of Migration: Xiamen in Motion and Transformation

Ong Soon Keong

The Home as a Barometer of Society: “Practices of Intimacy” to Moderate Family Intergenerational Conflict in the 2019 Summer of Dissent

Eileen Y. H. Tsang and Jeffrey S. Wilkinson

Book Reviews

Contesting Revisionism: China, the United States, and the Transformation of International Order. By Steve Chan, Huiyun Feng, Kai He, and Weixing Hu

Yong Deng

Rethinking Chinese Politics. By Joseph Fewsmith

Gang Lin

Across the Great Divide: The Sent-Down Youth Movement in Mao’s China, 1968–1980. By Emily Honig and Xiaojian Zhao

Long Yang

The Poetics of Early Chinese Thought: How the Shijing Shaped the Chinese Philosophical Tradition. Edited by Michael Hunter

Lisa Chu Shen

Vol.21, No.4, November 2021

Special Issue

China–Southeast Asian Nontraditional Security Engagement: A Soft Power Mode in Beijing’s Regional Diplomacy?

Lina Gong and Mingjiang Li (Guest Editor)

China-ASEAN Nontraditional Maritime Security Cooperation

YingHui Lee and Jane Chan

Water Diplomacy and China’s Bid for Soft Power in the Mekong

Li Zhang and Hongzhou Zhang

China’s Disaster Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Lina Gong

Emerging Soft Turn in China’s Energy Security Cooperation with Southeast Asia

Xue Gong and Daniel Balazs

Counterterrorism Cooperation between China, ASEAN, and Southeast Asian Countries: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Direction

Rommel C. Banlaoi

Research Articles

When Transnational Advocacy Meets China: INGO’s Strategic Norm Adaptation

Jie Wu and Lin Nie

Corruption in Rural China: The Surprising Incentives Offered to Village Cadres to Follow State Directives

Tan Zhao

The Political Influence of Mainline Protestant Churches in Hong Kong

Shun-hing Chan

State-of-the-Field Review

Compulsory Education Finance in China: Adequacy, Efficiency, and Equity

Bin Huang, Caiqun Xu, Dong Wang and Xiaobo Hu

Book Reviews

Market Maoists: The Communist Origins of China’s Capitalist Ascent.By Jason M. Kelly

Shaofan An

Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World.By Daniel A. Bell and Wang Pei

Rajiv Ranjan

The Overseas Chinese Democracy Movement: Assessing China’s Only Open Political Opposition.By Chen Jie

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Christianizing South China: Mission, Development, and Identity in Modern Chaoshan.Edited by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee

Albert Wu

Vol.21, No.3, August 2021

Special Issue

State Capacity and State Power in Contemporary China

Changdong Zhang (Guest Editor)

The Art of Criminal Investigation in China: A Typology of Policing Crimes

Yuchen Liu

Campaigns, Bureaucratic Cooperation, and State Performance in China

Huirong Chen

State Capacity in China’s Innovation Subsidy Policy: A Perspective on Government Knowledge

Kaidong Feng and Ziying Jiang

Perceptual Divided Leviathan and the Modes of Political Participation in China

Yanjun Liu

State Power and Nongovernmental Organizations’ Policy Advocacy in China

Zheng Su and Changdong Zhang

Research Articles

What Roles Do Population and Migration Flows Play in the Spatial Diffusion of COVID-19 from Wuhan City to Provincial Regions in China?

Jianfa Shen

Rethinking Global Civil Society in an Era of a Rising China

Reza Hasmath and Jennifer Y. J. Hsu

The Red Culture and Political Economy of Museums in Shanghai

Tse-Kang Leng and Rung-Yi Chen

Developmentalism and Pan-Functionalism in Mainland China’s Economic Policy toward Taiwan, 1988–2018

Zhenqing Zheng

Knowing Tibet: Information Gathering and Policy Consultation in the PRC’s Tibet Campaign in the Early 1950s

Xiaorong Han

Book Reviews

Liang Shuming and the Populist Alternative in China. By Catherine Lynch

Lisa Chu Shen

Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860–1960. By Gina Anne Tam

Ying-kit Chan

The Chinese Revolution on the Tibetan Frontier. By Benno Weiner

Xuan Li

To the End of the Revolution: The Chinese Communist Party and Tibet, 1949–1959. By Xiaoyuan Liu

Benno Weiner

Vol.21, No.2, May 2021

Special Issue

The Pandemic that Wasn’t: Brief Notes on the Special Issue of The China Review

Yan Xiaojun (Guest Editor)

Chinese Public Diplomacy and European Public Opinion during COVID-19

Björn Jerdén, Tim Rühlig, John Seaman, and Richard Q. Turcsányi

Divided National Identity and COVID-19: How China Has Become a Symbol of Major Political Cleavage in the Czech Republic

Martin Šebeňa and Richard Q. Turcsányi

World Trade, E-Commerce, and COVID-19: Role of and Implications for China’s Electronic World Trade Platform (eWTP)

Lauren A. Johnston

Government Trust in a Time of Crisis: Survey Evidence at the Beginning of the Pandemic in China

Zhenhua Su, Shan Su, and Qian Zhou

Research Articles

Authoritarian Critical Citizens and Declining Political Trust in China

Pei Zhong and Jing Vivian Zhan

How Policies Are Adapted: The Roles of Local Think Tanks in China’s New Era

Wen-Hsuan Tsai and Ruihua Lin

The End of Washington’s Strategic Ambiguity? The Debate over U.S. Policy toward Taiwan

Charles Chong-Han Wu

“Growing Out of the Plan”: Market-Oriented Reforms in China’s Graduate Placement System of Higher Education, 1978–1994

Qinghua Wang

Book Review

Chinese Migrant Workers and Employer Domination: Comparisons with Hong Kong and Vietnam., By Kaxton Siu.

Minh T. N. Nguyen

Improvised City: Architecture and Governance in Shanghai, 1843–1937. By Cole Roskam.

Jane Zheng

Confucianism and Sacred Space: The Confucius Temple from Imperial China to Today.By Chin-shing Huang. Translated by Jonathan Chin with Chin-shing Huang

Daniel A. Bell

The Church as Safe Haven: Christian Governance in China., Edited by Lars Peter Laamann and Joseph Tse-Hei Lee.

Jeff Kyong-McClain

Vol.21, No.1, February 2021

Special Issue

State and Society in Extreme Times: China’s Early Response to COVID-19 Outbreak

Fengshi Wu (Guest Editor)

When Transparency Meets Accountability: How the Fight against the COVID-19 Pandemic Became a Blame Game in Wuhan

Ran Ran and Yan Jian

Who Are the Front-Runners? Unravelling Local Government Responses to Containing the COVID-19 Pandemic in China

Kai Zhou and Ge Xin

Branding and Legitimation: China’s Party Diplomacy amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Yao Wen

Information Authoritarianism vs. Information Anarchy: A Comparison of Information Ecosystems in Mainland China and Hong Kong during the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Chunyan Ding and Fen Lin

Civil Society Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of China, Japan, and South Korea

Qihai Cai, Aya Okada, Bok Gyo Jeong, and Sung-Ju Kim

Research Articles

Social Services Utilization, Land Tenure Arrangements, and Self-Identification among Rural Migrants in China

Meng Bai, Eric Fong, and Shuzhuo Li

Unravelling the Ambivalent Mobilities of Three Gorges Dam Young-Adult Migrants in Guangdong

Wing-Chung Ho

The Statecraft of Promoting Community-Wide Civic Education in Hong Kong

Thomas Kwan-choi Tse and Tracy Chui-shan Lau

Book Reviews

China’s Gilded Age: The Paradox of Economic Boom and Vast Corruption., By Yuen Yuen Ang.

Jiangnan Zhu

Surviving the State, Remaking the Church: A Sociological Portrait of Christians in Mainland China., By Li Ma and Jin Li.

Zhixi Wang

The Soldier Image and State Building in Modern China, 1924–1945., By Xu Yan

Kwun-fu Chan

Tech Titans of China: How China’s Tech Sector Is Challenging the World by Innovating Faster, Working Harder & Going Global., By Rebecca A. Fannin.

Hong Yu Liu

Vol.20, No.4, November 2020
Vol.20, No.3, August 2020

Special Issue

State-Society Relations in China’s State-Led Digitalization: Progress and Prospects

Xiang Gao (Guest Editor)

Variety of Responsive Institutions and Quality of Responsiveness in Cyber China

Tianguang Meng and Zesen Yang

Digital Governance as Institutional Adaptation and Development: Social Media Strategies between Hong Kong and Shenzhen

Wilson Wong and May Chu

From Web to Weber: Understanding the Case of “One-Go at Most” as ICT-Driven Government Reform in Contemporary China

Xiang Gao and Jie Tan

Fiscal Transparency Online and Public Trust: An Exploratory Study on Baimiao Township Government

Bo Yan, XiaoHu Wang, and Jiannan Wu

Special Themed Section

The United States, China, and the Indo-Pacific Strategy: The Rise and Return of Strategic Competition

Weixing Hu (Guest Editor)

The US Indo-Pacific Strategy and China’s Response

Weixing Hu and Weizhan Meng

China’s Fragmented Approach toward the Indo-Pacific Strategy: One Concept, Many Lenses

Bo Ma

Explaining China’s Hedging to the United States’ Indo-Pacific Strategy

Xiaodi Ye

The Power of a Niche Strategy and China’s Preemptive and Adaptive Response to the US Indo-Pacific Strategy

Chunman Zhang

Research Article

The Irreplaceable Outpost? Whither Hong Kong in China’s Financial Future

Yu-wai Vic Li

Book Reviews

Translation and Modernization in East Asia in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, edited by Lawrence Wang-chi Wong.

Miao Li

Sacred Webs: The Social Lives and Networks of Minnan Protestants, 1840s–1920s, by Chris White.

Zhixi Wang

The Art of Cloning: Creative Production during China’s Cultural Revolution, by Laikwan Pang.

Hang Tu

Vol.20, No.2, May 2020
Vol.20, No.1, February 2020

Special Issue

The World’s Factory in Transition: Diversifying Industrial Relations and Intensifying Workers’ Struggles in China

Chris King-Chi Chan (Guest Editor)

Development Paths, Proletarianization, and the Association of Workers in China’s Garment Industry: A Comparative Study of Humen and Pinghu

Shuwan Zhang and Lulu Fan

Economic Upgrading, Social Upgrading, and Rural Migrant Workers in the Pearl River Delta

Xu Wang, Chris King-Chi Chan, and Linchuan Yang

The Development of Elected Workplace Trade Unions in Authoritarian China: The Case of Guangzhou’s Auto Parts Industry

Yunxue Deng

Informal Strike Organization in South China: The Worker Representative Mechanism, Sustained Leadership, and Strike Outcomes

Wei Chen

Reclaiming “Territories”: Two Case Studies of Trade Union Innovation Projects in South China

Siqi Luo and Chris King-Chi Chan

A Precarious Worker-Student Alliance in Xi’s China

Jenny Chan

Research Article

The Political Economy of Pneumoconiosis in China’s Mining Industry

Timothy Kerswell and Zihong Deng

Book Reviews

Jesuits and Matriarchs: Domestic Worship in Early Modern China, by Nadine Amsler.

Joseph Tse-Hei Lee

The Politics of Rights and the 1911 Revolution in China, by Xiaowei Zheng.

Huanjie Lei

Shijie zhengzhi de zhongji mubiao: An’quan, Caifu, Xinyang, Gongzheng, Ziyou (The Ultimate Goal of World Politics Security, Wealth, Faith, Justice, Freedom), by Jisi Wang.

Ying Hou

Vol.19, No.4, November 2019

Special Issue

Hong Kong’s Summer of Uprising: From Anti-Extradition to Anti-Authoritarian Protests (free access)

Francis L. F. Lee, Samson Yuen, Gary Tang, and Edmund W. Cheng

Linking the Hong Kong Dollar to the SDR: An Increasingly Attractive Option

Matthew Harrison and Geng Xiao

Building a More “Democratic” and “Multipolar” World: China’s Strategic Engagement with Developing Countries

Joshua Eisenman and Eric Heginbotham

Hua Guofeng, Deng Xiaoping, and Reversing the Verdict on the 1976 “Tiananmen Incident”

Frederick C. Teiwes and Warren Sun

E-Commerce Adoption and the Dynamics of the SMEs Cluster: Evidence from Zhili Children’s Garment Town, China

Cassandra C. Wang, Tianshu Zhang, and Zhouying Song

Identity and Public Administration of the Myanmar Settlers on China’s Border: A Comparative-Empirical Study of Myanmar Students and Local Officials

Hao Xiong

Book Reviews

A Question of Intent: Homicide Law and Criminal Justice in Qing and Republican China. By Jennifer M. Neighbors.

Michael Ng

Shanghai Sacred: The Religious Landscape of a Global City. By Benoît Vermander, Liz Hingley, and Liang Zhang.

Sin Wen Lau

China’s Asia: Triangular Dynamics Since the Cold War. By Lowell Dittmer.

Ting Wai

Over the Horizon: Time, Uncertainty, and the Rise of Great Powers. By David M. Edelstein.

Dingding Chen

Bodies in China: Philosophy, Aesthetics, Gender, and Politics. By Eva Kit Wah Man.

Lisa Chu Shen

Vol.19, No.3, August 2019

Special Issue

Personnel Exchanges Between China and the Socialist Countries During the Cold War: Introduction

Yafeng Xia

From the Radiant “Morning Sun” to the Frontline “Anti-Revisionist Fighters”: Chinese Students in the USSR in the Backdrop of Sino-Soviet Conflict, 1957–1966

Lan You

Weathering the Storms: East German Engineers in Zhengzhou, 1954–1964

Tao Chen

Transnational Flow of Technology and Ideas: North Korean Apprentices and Interns in Shanghai, 1953–1967

Zhi Liang

The Intertwining of High-Level Interactions and Low-Level Exchanges: Chinese Workers in Mongolia, 1950–1964

Jikun Gu

Fighting Side by Side: Cross-Border Military Exchanges and Cooperation Between the Chinese Communist Party and the Viet Minh, 1945–1949

Jiayi Gao

Book Review Essay

An Enlightening Step Forward in the Study of Yan’an and the Chinese Communist Party: A Review of How the Red Sun Rose by Gao Hua.

Lucien Bianco

Book Reviews

Urbanization, Regional Development and Governance in China. By Jianfa Shen.

George C. S. Lin

Chinese Law in Imperial Eyes: Sovereignty, Justice, and Transcultural Politics. By Li Chen.

Guanhong Chen

Diaspora’s Homeland: Modern China in the Age of Global Migration. By Shelly Chan.

Ong Soon Keong

The Rise of Gönpo Namgyel in Kham: The Blind Warrior of Nyarong. By Yudru Tsomu.

Xuan Li

Meeting Place: Encounters across Cultures in Hong Kong, 1841–1984. Edited by Elizabeth Sinn and Christopher Munn.

Klavier Wang

Vol.19, No.2, May 2019

Special Issue

Data-Driven Approaches to Studying Chinese Judicial Practice: Opportunities, Challenges, and Issues

Bjorn Ahl, Lidong Cai, and Chao Xi (Guest Editors)

Mass Publicity of Chinese Court Decisions: Market-Driven or Authoritarian Transparency?

Yingmao Tang and John Zhuang Liu

Judicialization of the Chinese Constitution Revisited: Empirical Evidence from Court Data

Daniel Sprick

The Role of CPC Regulations in Chinese Judicial Decisions: An Empirical Study Based on Published Judgments

Fan Yang

Judicial Governance of “Fake Divorce” with Chinese Characteristics: Practical Rationality of the Chinese Courts in the Transitional Period

Lidong Cai and Yingcheng Qi

Effect of Judges’ Gender on Rape Sentencing: A Data Mining Approach to Analyze Judgment Documents

Yiwei Xia, Tianji Cai, and Hua Zhong

The Predictors of Pre-Conviction Decisions in China: A Statistical Analysis Based on M City Court

Xifen Lin, Yong Ma, and Zihui Gu

Book Reviews

Red Swan: How Unorthodox Policy Making Facilitated China’s Rise. By Sebastian Heilmann.

Anna L. Ahlers

Gender and Employment in Rural China. By Jing Song.

Arianne M. Gaetano

Occupational Health and Social Estrangement in China. By Wing-Chung Ho.

Caroline Knowles

The Teahouse under Socialism: The Decline and Renewal of Public Life in Chengdu, 1950-2000. By Di Wang.

Shaofan An

Changing Taiwanese Identities. Edited by J. Bruce Jacobs and Peter Kang.

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Vol.19, No.1, February 2019

Research Articles

Consent to Contend: The Power of the Masses in China’s Local Elite Bargain

Xiao Ma

Clientelistic State Corporatism: The United Front Model of “Pairing-Up” in the Xi Jinping Era

Xingmiu Liao and Wen-Hsuan Tsai

Confronting China in an Asymmetric Relationship: The Case of Peace Efficacy in Taiwan

Chih-yu Shih

The Ousting of General Secretary Hu Yaobang: The Roles Played by Peng Zhen and Other Party Elders

Yen-Lin Chung

Book Reviews Essays

Revolutions, Catastrophes, and the Dictators: A Review of Stalin and Mao by Lucien Bianco

Chang-tai Hung

Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Dynamics in Creating Cultural Memory: A Review of Da jiang da hai: 1949 by Lung Ying-tai

Irmy Schweiger

Book Reviews

Sheyun niandai: Xianggang zhengzhi kangzheng de guiji (An Epoch of Social Movements: The Trajectory of Continuous Politics in Hong Kong). Edited by Edmund W. Cheng and Samson Wai-hei Yuen.

Ho-fung Hung

Wu Yaozong Quanji (The Collected Works of Y. T. Wu), Volumes 1 and 2. Edited by Fuk-tsang Ying.

Philip L. Wickeri

The End of Concern: Maoist China, Activism, and Asian Studies. By Fabio Lanza.

Patrick David Buck

Responsive Authoritarianism in China: Land, Protest, and the Policy Making. By Christopher Heurlin.By Yi Wen.

Zheng Su

Vol.18, No.4, November 2018

Special Issue

Chinese Religions on the Edge: Shifting Religion-State Dynamics

Nanlai Cao (Guest Editor)

Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China: Social Engagements and Political Regulations

Jia Zhang and Zhe Ji

Doctrinal Innovation, Resistance, and Falun Gong’s Politicization

Yunfeng Lu, Yuxin Su, and Na Zhou

Divination, Yijing, and Cultural Nationalism: The Self-Legitimation of Divination as an Aspect of “Traditional Culture” in Post-Mao China

Geng Li

Removing Transcendence: Regulating Christianity in Southwest China in the 1950s

Yongjia Liang

Catholic Communities and Local Governance in Northeast China

Ji Li

The Making of China’s “Good Muslims”: From Middleman Minority to Cultural Ambassadors

Yuting Wang

Book Reviews

Hong Kong in the Cold War. Edited by Priscilla Roberts and John M. Carroll.

Klavier Wang

Maoism at the Grassroots: Everyday Life in China’s Era of High Socialism. Edited by Jeremy Brown and Matthew D. Johnson.

Shaofan An

Family Life in China. By William R. Jankowiak and Robert L. Moore.

Jinjin Lu

Weida de Zhongguo gongye geming: “Fazhan zhengzhi jingjixue” yiban yuanli pipan gangyao (The Great Industrial Revolution of China: An Outline of Critique of General Theory of the “Political Economy of Development”). By Yi Wen.

Xiaofang Zhang

Vol.18, No.3, August 2018

Special Issue

Washington-Taipei Relations at a Crossroads: Introduction

Gang Lin and Jacques deLisle (Guest Editors)

United States-Taiwan Relations: Tsai’s Presidency and Washington’s Policy

Jacques deLisle

Trump’s China Policy and Its Implications for the “Cold Peace” across the Taiwan Strait

Weixing Hu

The Political and Military Nexus of Beijing-Washington-Taipei: Military Interactions in the Taiwan Strait

Ji You and Yufan Hao

Contending Notions of the Cross-Strait Status Quo in Taiwan and Across the Strait: Impacts on U.S.-Taiwan Relations

Chih-Chieh Chou

The U.S. Global Strategy and Its Taiwan Policy

Yana Zuo

Does Taiwan Matter to the United States? Policy Debates on Taiwan Abandonment and Beyond

Gang Lin and Wenxing Zhou

Research Articles

Agriculture and Sino-Canadian Relations: Hsieh Pei-chi and His Farmers Program

Paul Sinclair and Dongyan Ru Blachford

Book Reviews

Taiwan at a Tipping Point: The Democratic Progressive Party’s Return to Power. By John F. Copper.

Zhenqing Zheng

Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier. By David Brophy.

Xuan Li

The Rebirth of the Moral Self: The Second Generation of Modern Confucians and Their Modernization Discourses. By Jana S. Rošker.

Lisa Chu Shen

Popular Belief in Contemporary China: A Discourse Analysis. By Projekt Verlag.

Huhua Ouyang

Vol.18, No.2, May 2018

Research Articles

The Political Consequences of Deliberative Democracy and Electoral Democracy in China: An Empirical Comparative Analysis from Four Counties

Deyong Ma and Szu-chien Hsu

Movement – Press Dynamics and News Diffusion: A Typology of Activism in Digital China

Fen Lin and Xinzhi Zhang

The Dual Effect of Economic Development on Trust in the Central Government: Evidence from Two Waves of a National Survey in China

Shupeng Lyu and Lianjiang Li

The Changing Face of Money: Forging Collective Memory with Chinese Banknote Designs

Tim F. Liao and Cuntong Wang


Frontiers and Ethnic Groups in China

Digging the “Ethnic Violence in China” Database: The Effects of Inter-Ethnic Inequality and Natural Resources Exploitation in Xinjiang

Xun Cao, Haiyan Duan, Chuyu Liu, James A. Piazza, and Yingjie Wei

More Than a Famine: Mass Exodus of 1962 in Northwest Xinjiang

Sheng Mao

Ethnic Autonomy and Ethnic Inequality: An Empirical Assessment of Ethnic Policy in Urban China

Xiaogang Wu and Guangye He


Book Reviews

The China Order: Centralia, World Empire, and the Nature of Chinese Power. By Fei-Ling Wang.

Chih-yu Shih

Civilizing the Chinese, Competing with the West: Study Societies in Late Qing China. By Hon-Fai Chen.

Joseph Tse-Hei Lee

Governing Civil Service Pay in China. By Alfred M. Wu.

Xiang Gao

Taiwan’s China Dilemma: Contested Identity and Multiple Interests in Taiwan’s Cross-Strait Economy Policy. By Syaru Shirley Lin.

Xiaodi Ye

China’s Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination. By Ji-Young Lee.

Yang Li

Vol.18, No.1, February 2018

Special Issue

Mobility and Life Chances in Urbanization and Migration in China: Introduction

Jing Song, Huimin Du, and Si-ming Li (Guest Editors)

Floaters, Settlers, and Returnees: Settlement Intention and Hukou Conversion of China’s Rural Migrants

Shuangshuang Tang and Pu Hao

Mobilities and Identities of Educated Young Adults: A Life-History and Biographical Study

Huimin Du

Does Migration Pay Off? Returnees, Family Background, and Self-Employment in Rural China

Cary Wu, Qiang Fu, Jiaxin Gu, and Zhilei Shi

Smooth or Troubled Occupation Transition? Urbanization and Employment of Former Peasants in Western China

Jing Song, Huimin Du, and Si-ming Li

The Impact of Housing Market Fluctuation and Housing Supply on the Housing Opportunities of Moderate- and Low-Income Households in 21st-Century Urban China: A Case Study of Ordos City

Xing Su and Zhu Qian


State-of-the-Field Review

The Rise of Field Studies in Religious Research in the People’s Republic of China

Nanlai Cao


Book Reviews

Assessing the Balance of Power in Central-Local Relations in China. By John A. Donaldson

David S. G. Goodman

China’s War Reporters: The Legacy of Resistance against Japan. By Parks M. Coble

Sheng Mao

Staging Chinese Revolution: Theater, Film, and the Afterlives of Propaganda. By Xiaomei Chen

Ying Du

The Occupy Movement in Hong Kong: Sustaining Decentralized Protest. By Yongshun Cai

Shen Yang

China’s Maritime Power and Strategy: History, National Security and Geopolitics. By Hailong Ju

Dingding Chen

Vol.17, No.3, October 2017

Research Article

New Generation, New Path: Industrial Restructuring Led by China’s “Notorious” Fuerdai Generation

Shengjun Zhu, Tu Lan, and Canfei He

The Politics of Mandates in Financing Local Government Operations in China: An Administrative or Fiscal Dilemma?

Yongmao Fan

Nonprofessional Access to Justice in Rural China: A History of Atypical Legal Development and Legal Service Provision

Michael Ng and Xuanming Pan

Chinese Identities between Localization and Globalization: The South Seas Society, Chinese Intellectuals in Singapore, and Southeast Asian Studies, 1958–1971

Leander Seah

Ruling Coalition Restructuring under Macao’s Hybrid Regime

Ying-ho Kwong

The Transition of Party System in Taiwan: Divergence or Convergence?

Gang Lin and Weixu Wu


Research Note

Citizens v. Government: Litigation Outcomes before the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal

Waikeung Tam


Book Reviews

Hollywood Made in China. By Aynne Kokas

Yingjin Zhang

The Advance of the State in Contemporary China: State-Market Relations in the Reform Era. By Sarah Eaton

Jie Huang

The Rural Modern: Reconstructing the Self and State in Republican China. By Kate Merkel-Hess

Jeffrey Weng

The Art of Cloning: Creative Production During China’s Cultural Revolution. By Laikwan Pang

Yanping Guo

Vol.17, No.2, June 2017

Special Issue

Evolving State-Society Relations in China: Introduction

Fengshi Wu (Guest Editor)

De-ideologized Mass Line, Regime Responsiveness, and State-Society Relations

Alexander Korolev

Navigating Unknown Waters: The Chinese Communist Party’s New Presence in the Private Sector

Xiaojun Yan and Jie Huang

In Between the Divine and the Leviathan: Faith-based Charity, Religious Overspill and the Governance of Religion in China

Susan K. McCarthy

Private Entrepreneurs as a “Strategic Group” in the Chinese Polity

Gunter Schubert and Thomas Heberer

An Emerging Group Name “Gongyi”: Ideational Collectivity in China’s Civil Society(Open access)

Fengshi Wu

Face Funds: Political Maneuvers around Nonstate Welfare in Rural China

Tom Cliff


Research Article

Preventing Protest One Person at a Time: Psychological Coercion and Relational Repression in China

Kevin J. O’Brien and Yanhua Deng


Book Reviews

Centrifugal Empire: Central-Local Relations in China. By Jae Ho Chung

John Donaldson

Reinventing Chinese Tradition: The Cultural Politics of Late Socialism. By Ka-ming Wu

Tim Oakes

Jia’nada huaqiao yiminshi 1858–1966 (History of Chinese Migration to Canada 1858–1966). By David Chuenyan Lai, Ding Guo, and Bobbie Jia

Xiaohong Wan

Chengshi: Zhongguo de luoji (City: Chinese Logic). By Yingfang Chen

Yue Ray Gong

Vol.17, No.1, February 2017
Vol.16, No.3, October 2016

Special Issue

Migration and Development in China: Introduction

Jianfa Shen and Wei Xu (Guest Editors)

China’s Hukou Puzzle: Why Don’t Rural Migrants Want Urban Hukou

Chuanbo Chen and C. Cindy Fan

Staying in the Countryside or Moving to the City: The Determinants of Villagers’ Urban Settlement Intentions in China

Chuankai Yang, Wei Xu, Ye Liu, Yuemin Ning, and K. K. Klein

Job-Search Channels of Migrant Workers in Large Chinese Cities: A Case Study of Shanghai

Xuefeng Niu, Wei Xu, Ye Liu, Guixin Wang, and K. K. Klein

The Social Integration of Migrants in Shanghai’s Urban Villages

Mingfeng Wang and Yuemin Ning

From Newcomers to Middle Class: The Social and Spatial Mobility of New Urban Migrants

Yu-Ling Song

Urban Competitiveness and Migration in the YRD and PRD Regions of China in 2010

Jianfa Shen and Lei Wang

Beyond Human Capital: Determinants of Migrant Labor Market Outcomes in Urban China

Wei Xu, Li Yu, Yu Zhu, and Liyue Lin


State-of-the-Field Review

Do All Roads Lead to China?: Chinese Commercial Law Scholarship in the Past Decade (Part 2)

Shen Wei and Casey G. Watters


Book Reviews

China’s Long Quest for Democracy: A Historical Institutional Perspective by Lin Gang

Lowell Dittmer

China’s Twentieth Century: Revolution, Retreat, and the Road to Quality by Wang Hui

Hang Tu

Information for Autocrats: Representation in Chinese Local Congress by Melanie Manion

Ma Xiao

Vol.16, No.2, June 2016

Research Articles

Rediscovering Intergovernmental Relations at the Local Level: The Devolution to Township Governments in Zhejiang Province

Jianxing Yu, Lin Li, and Yongdong Shen

The Emergence of Social Corporatism in China: Nonprofit Organizations, Private Foundations and the State

Jun Han

Institutions and Provision of Public Goods in Rural China: An Empirical Study Based on Villages in Guangdong Province

Lin Zhu and Yongshun Cai

Compromising Citizenry: The Perceived Irrelevance of Rightful Resistance among Peasant Coal Miners Suffering from Pneumoconiosis

Ho Wing-Chung and Chen Fen-Ling

The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Public Governance and Corruption in China

Ming-Hsuan Lee and Mon-Chi Lio

Recent (Young) Taiwanese Movers to Hong Kong: Challenges and Opportunities in a Global City

Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, Zee Ken Christopher Wong, and Chia-Yuan Huang


State-of-the-Field Review

Do All Roads Lead to China?: Scholarship of Chinese Commercial Law in the Past Decade (Part 1)

Shen Wei and Casey G. Watters


Book Reviews

The China Model: Political Meritocracy and the Limits of Democracy by Daniel A. Bell

Bogdan Góralczyk

The Cultural Revolution and Overacting: Dynamics between Politics and Performance by Tuo Wang

Belinda He Qian

Food Safety Law in China: Making Transnational Law by Francis Snyder

Louis Augustin-Jean

Tying the Autocrat’s Hands: The Rise of the Rule of Law in China by Yuhua Wang

Muyang Chen

Republican Lens: Gender, Visuality, and Experience in the Early Chinese Periodical Press by Joan Judge

Liu Xi

Vol.16, No.1, Spring 2016

Research Articles

Unafraid of the Ghost: The Victim Mentality of Mao Zedong and the Two Taiwan Strait Crises in the 1950s

Kuisong Yang and Sheng Mao

China’s Relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council States: Multilevel Diplomacy in a Divided Arab World

Joseph Y. S. Cheng

Miscarriage of Justice and Malpractice in Criminal Investigations in China

He Jiahong

The Development of Grand Mediation and Its Implications for China’s Regime Resilience: The Li Qin Mediation Office

Ieong Meng U

China’s Air Defence Identification Zone: Building Security through Lawfare

Matthias Vanhullebusch and Wei Shen


Research Notes

Attitudes and Actions of Homeowner Activist Leaders in Contemporary China

Cai (Vera) Zuo

Ancestor Worship in Contemporary China: An Empirical Investigation

Anning Hu


Book Reviews

The Lyrical in Epic Time: Modern Chinese Intellectuals and Artists through the 1949 Crisis. By David Der-wei Wang

Hang Tu

Internet Literature in China. By Michel Hockx

Chu Shen

A Landscape of Travel: The Work of Tourism in Rural Ethnic China. By Jenny Chio

Xiaoshun Zeng

Class Work: Vocational Schools and China’s Urban Youth. By Terry Woronov

Xuan Dong

Shijie quanli de zhuanyi: Zhengzhi lingdao yu zhanlue jingzheng (The Transition of World Power: Political Leadership and Strategic Competition). By Yan Xuetong

Meng Weizhan

Vol.15, No.2, Fall 2015

Special Issue

Introduction: Poverty in a Rich Society—The Case of Hong Kong

Maggie Lau (Guest Editor)



My Experience Researching Poverty over the Past 35 Years

Nelson W. S. Chow

Poverty in Hong Kong

Maggie Lau, Christina Pantazis, David Gordon, Lea Lai and Eileen Sutton

Setting the Poverty Line: Policy Implications for Squaring the Welfare Circle in Hong Kong

Florence Meng-soi Fong and Chack-kie Wong

Health Inequality in Hong Kong

Roger Y. Chung and Samuel Y. S. Wong

Enhancing Global Competitiveness and Human Capital Management: Does Education Help Reduce Inequality and Poverty in Hong Kong?

Ka Ho Mok

Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government

Hung Wong


Book Reviews

Electoral Politics in Post-1997 Hong Kong: Protest, Patronage, and the Media. By Stan Hok-Wui Wong

Shen Yang

The Great Wall of Money: Power and Politics in China’s International Monetary Relations. Edited by Eric Helleiner and Jonathan Kirshner

Zhaohui Wang

Chinese Politics and International Relations: Innovation and Invention. Edited by Nicola Horsburgh, Astrid Nordin, and Shaun Breslin

Kai Chen

Chidao de wenming (Late Comer to Civilization). By Yuan Weishi

Yang Li

Vol.15, No.1, Spring 2015

New Insights on Hong Kong

Real Estate Elite, Economic Development, and Political Conflicts in Postcolonial Hong Kong

Stan Hok-wui Wong

The Rise of “Anti-China” Sentiments in Hong Kong and the 2012 Legislative Council Elections

Ngok Ma

Party Models in a Hybrid Regime: Hong Kong 2007-2012

Mathew Y. H. Wong


Other Articles

Interests and Political Participation in Urban China: The Case of Residents’ Committee Election

Bing Guan and Yongshun Cai

Friend or Foe: India as Perceived by Beijing’s Foreign Policy Analysts in the 1950s

Xiaoyuan Liu

Securitization of the “China Threat” Discourse: A Poststructuralist Account

Weiqing Song


State-of-the-Field Reviews

The Evolution of Population Census Undertakings in China, 1953-2010

Xiaogang Wu and Guangye He

Marriage Expenses in Rural China

Quanbao Jiang, Yanping Zhang, and Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte


Book Reviews

The Middle Class in Neoliberal China: Governing Risk, Life-Building, and Themed Spaces. By Hai Ren

Zhou Yongming

China’s Legal System. By Pitman Potter

Yudu Li, Hong Lu, and Bin Liang

Social Protest and Contentious Authoritarianism in China. By Xi Chen

Peng Hu

Hewei Zhongguo: Jiangyu, minzu, wenhua yu lishi (What Is China: Territory, Ethnicity, Culture, and History). By Ge Zhaoguang

Sheng Mao

The Government Next Door: Neighbourhood Politics in Urban China. By Luigi Tomba

Xuan Dong

Civilization, Nation and Modernity in East Asia. By Chih-Yu Shih

Daniel Westlake

The New Kings of Crude: China, India, and The Global Struggle for Oil in Sudan and South Sudan. By Luke Patey

Okey Marcellus Ikeanyibe

Vol.14, No.2, Fall 2014


Doing Sinology in Former Socialist States, Reflections from the Czech Republic, Mongolia, Poland, and Russia: Introduction

Chih-yu Shih (Guest Editor)



Beyond Academia and Politics: Understanding China and Doing Sinology in Czechoslovakia after World War II

Olga Lomová and Anna Zádrapová

Surging between China and Russia: Legacies, Politics, and Turns of Sinology in Contemporary Mongolia

Enkhchimeg Baatarkhuyag and Chih-yu Shih

The Study of China in Poland after World War II: Toward the “New Sinology”?

Anna Rudakowska

The Lifting of the “Iron Veil” by Russian Sinologists During the Soviet Period (1917–1991)

Valentin C. Golovachev

Soviet Sinology and Two Approaches to an Understanding of Chinese History

Alexander Pisarev

Uneven Development vs. Searching for Integrity: Chinese Studies in Post-Soviet Russia

Alexei D. Voskressenski

Do We Need to Rethink Sinology? Views from the Eastern Bloc

Fabio Lanza



Professional Commitment and Job Satisfaction: An Analysis of the Chinese Judicial Reforms from the Perspective of the Criminal Defense

Hong Lu, Bin Liang, Yudu Li, and Ni (Phil) He

The Discourse of Political Constitutionalism in Contemporary China: Gao Quanxi’s Studies on China’s Political Constitution

Albert H. Y. Chen



Research on Chinese Investigative Journalism, 1978–2013: A Critical Review

Haiyan Wang and Francis L. F. Lee



The West as the Other: A Genealogy of Chinese Occidentalism. By Mingming Wang

Bogdan Góralczyk

Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China. By Fang Xiaoping

Nathan Sivin

China’s Hukou System: Markets, Migrants, and Institutional Change. By Jason Young

Yudu Li and Hong Lu

Democracy on Trial: Social Movements and Cultural Politics in Postauthoritarian Taiwan. By Ya-Chung Chuang

Xinzhi Zhang

The Rise of China and Chinese International Relations Scholarship. By Hung-Jen Wang

Ngeow Chow Bing

The China Fallacy: How the U. S. Can Benefit from China’s Rise and Avoid Another Cold War. By Donald Gross

Daniel Westlake

Riben de guojing wenti: Diaoyutai, dudao, beifang sidao (The Territorial Issues of Japan: The Senkakul/Diaoyu Islands, Take/ Dok Island, and the Northern Islands). By Magosaki Ukeru

Sidney Xu Lu

Zhixue de menjing yu qufa: wanqing minguo yanjiu de shiliao yu shixue (Methodologies of Historical Writing: Sources and Historiography on late Qing and Republican China). By Sang Bing

Sheng Mao

Vol.14, No.1, Spring 2014


Urban and Regional Governance in China: Introduction

Xiaolong Luo, Jianfa Shen, and Chaolin Gu (Guest Editors)



Planning Intercity Railways in China’s Mega-City Regions: Insights from the Pearl River Delta

Jiang Xu and Yanyan Chen

Pseudo-urbanization or Real Urbanization? Urban China’s Mergence of Administrative Regions and Its Effects: A Case Study of Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province

Yungang Liu, Zhigang Li, and Jie Jin

The Incident of Tieben: Social Capital and Local Governance in Post-Socialist China

Titan Bo-xiu Jian

Rescaling as a Leading National Transformation Project: Decoding State Rescaling in China’s Changing Central State– Led Regional Planning

Hao Chen, Jingxiang Zhang, Xiangyu Li, and Zhao Zhang

Province-Leading-County as a Scaling-Up Strategy in China: The Case of Jiangsu

Xiaolong Luo, Yeqing Cheng, Jie Yin, and Ying Wang

Reconstructing Urban Scale: New Experiments with the“Provincial Administration of Counties ” Reform in China

Yi Li and Fulong Wu

Reconsidering the Controversial Land Use Policy of “Linking the Decrease in Rural Construction Land with the Increase in Urban Construction Land”: A Local Government Perspective

Xianjin Huang, Yi Li, Ran Yu, and Xiaofeng Zhao



The Emergence of Radical Politics in Hong Kong: Causes and Impact

Joseph Yu-shek Cheng



Renewal: The Chinese State and the New Global History. By Wang Gungwu

Cho-yun Hsu

China or Japan: Which Will Lead Asia? By Claude Meyer

David Arase

Opera and the City: The Politics of Culture in Beijing, 1770–1900. By Andrea S. Goldman

Liang Luo

Zhongguo nongmin fanxingwei yanjiu (1950–1980) (Counteractions of Chinese Peasants, 1950–1980). By Gao Wangling

Isabelle Thireau

Lishi de guanxing: weilai shinian de zhongguo yu shijie (Inertia of History: China and the World in the Next Ten Years). By Yan Xuetong

Yang Li

Daguo quanli zhuanyi yu jishu bianqian (Power Transition among Great Powers and the Transformation of Technology). By Huang Qixuan

Jing Ye

Gongren zhengzhi (Labor Politics). By Chen Zhouwang and Wang Shikai

Zhang Xiaofang

Vol.13, No.2, Fall 2013


The Historical Origins of the Nationalization of the Newspaper Industry in Modern China: A Case Study of the Shanghai Newspaper Industry, 1937–1953

Sei Jeong Chin

Power Transition, Balance of Power, and the Rise of China: A Theoretical Reflection about Rising Great Powers

Shih-yueh Yang

Disability Service Organizations and Their Relationship with the Chinese Government: A Case Study in Beijing

Li Ying

Policy Entrepreneurship, Institutional Constraints, and Local Policy Innovation in China

Yapeng Zhu



China ICT Studies: A Review of the Field, 1989–2012

Jack Linchuan Qiu and Wei Bu



Civil Society Networks in China and Vietnam: Informal Pathbreakers in Health and the Environment, by Andrew Wells-Dang

G. Shabbir Cheema

Looking for Balance: China, the United States, and Power Balancing in East Asia, by Steve Chan

Ming Wan

Chinese Medicine and Healing: An Illustrated History, edited by T. J. Hinrichs and Linda L. Barnes

Daniel Asen

Big Construction Site: Rural Migrant Workers’ Life in the Building and Construction Industry, by Ngai Pun, Huilin Lu, and Huipeng Zhang

Yue Ray Gong

China and Orientalism: Western Knowledge Production and the PRC, by Daniel F. Vukovich

Perry Johansson

People’s Pornography: Sex and Surveillance on the Chinese Internet, by Katrien Jacobs

Earl Jackson

Vol.13, No.1, Spring 2013


Sources of Regime Legitimacy and the Debate over the Chinese Model

Yun-han Chu

The Emerging New Middle Class and the Rule of Law in China

Xiaogang Wu and Jinhua Cheng

What Analyses of Factional Politics of China Might Miss When the Market Becomes a Political Battlefield: The Telecommunication Sector as a Case in Point

Wing-Chung Ho

Inhabiting the City: Tropes of “Home” in Contemporary Chinese Cinema

Haiping Yan

The Political Logic of Changes in Local Fiscal Capacity in China

Jing Ye



Democratizing Taiwan. By J. Bruce Jacobs

James D. Seymour

Transforming History: The Making of a Modern Academic Discipline in Twentieth-Century China. Edited by Brian Moloughney and Peter Zarrow

Yusheng Yao

China 2012: Strategizing Sustainable Growth. Edited by Hu Shuli

Yan Zhang and Zhongfa Ma

Feichang yu zhengchang: Shanghai wenge shiqi de shehui shenghuo (Abnormality and Normality: Social Life during the Cultural Revolution in Shanghai). By Jin Dalu

Fei Yan

Chinese Indonesians and Regime Change. Edited by Marleen Dieleman, Juliette Koning, and Peter Post

Chang-Yau Hoon

Vol.12, No.2, Fall 2012


Do Severe Penalties Deter Corruption? A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Chinese Case

Jiangnan Zhu

The Rise and Decline of the Reversal of the Burden of Proof in China’s Medical Negligence Law: A Political Economy of Lawmaking Perspective

Lixin Yang and Chao Xi

Enhancing China–India Trade Cooperation: Complementary Interactions?

Evelyn S. Devadason

TPP versus ECFA: Similarities, Differences, and China’s Strategies

Jie Huang



Chinese Civil Society Research in Recent Years: A Critical Review

Jianxing Yu and Jun Zhou



Social Scientific Studies of Religion in China: Methodology, Theories, and Findings, edited by Fenggang Yang and Graeme Lang

Anna Sun

Political Pursuit and Political Inclusion: Studies of Political Participation by Early-Prosperous Groups in Zhejiang (in Chinese), by Xingyou Lang

Jing Ye

Daxue and Zhongyong (bilingual edition), translated and annotated by Ian Johnston and Wang Ping

Thierry Meynard

East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute, by David C. Kang

Hang Lin

Allies at Swords’ Points: The Sino–US Military Cooperative Relationship during the Pacific War Period (1941–1945) (in Chinese), by Qi Xisheng

Lv Xun

Vol.12, No.1, Spring 2012


The Evolvement of the Chinese Communist Party Discipline Inspection Commission in the Reform Era

Guo Yong

Return Migration from Canada to Hong Kong

Eric Fong

Hong Kong’s Diaspora, Networks, and Family Business in the United Kingdom: A History of the Chinese “Food Chain” and the Case of W. Wing Yip Group

Gordon C. K. Cheung and Edmund Terence Gomez

Is It Really Just a Rational Choice? The Contribution of Emotional Attachment to Temporary Migrants’ Intention to Stay in the Host City in Guangzhou

Huimin Du and Si-ming Li



Policymaking in China: A Review of Chinese Scholarship

Jun Ma and Muhua Lin



Beijing Record: A Physical and Political History of Planning Modern Beijing. By Wang Jun


The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China. By Jay Taylor

SO Wai Chor

Harmony and War: Confucian Culture and Chinese Power Politics. By Yuan-kang Wang

David Curtis WRIGHT

Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities, and Networks in Southeast Asia. Edited by Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang

VOON Phin Keong

Constructing China’s Jerusalem: Christians, Power, and Place in Contemporary Wenzhou. By Nanlai Cao


Vol.11, No.2, Fall 2011


Chinese Migrants and Circular Mobility: Introduction

Jianfa Shen and Lan-Hung Nora Chiang (Guest Editors)



Settlement Intention and Split Households: Findings from a Survey of Migrants in Beijing’s Urban Villages

C. Cindy Fan

Chinese Diaspora “at Home”: Mainlander Taiwanese in Dongguan and Shanghai

Ping Lin

In the Name of Legitimacy: Taiwan and Overseas Chinese during the Cold War Era

Joan S. H. Wang

Return Migration: The Case of the 1.5 Generation of Taiwanese in Canada and New Zealand

Lan-Hung Nora Chiang



China’s Land Tenure Reform: Time for a New Direction?

Yongjun Zhao

The Emergence of Cyber Society and the Transformation of the Public Policy Agenda-Building Process in China

Zhu Yapeng and Joseph Y. S. Cheng

“Obamania” in China and Its Yielding to Nationalism: Quantitative Responses from Elitist Chinese Students in Beijing toward the 2008 U.S. Election and Structural Analysis

Simon Shen



Establishing a New Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer System in China: The State of the Field, 1994–2010

Yilin Hou



The Chinese State’s Retreat from Health: Policy and the Politics of Retrenchment. By Jane Duckett

Alex HE Jingwei

Mao’s New World: Political Culture in the Early People’s Republic. By Chang-tai Hung

Lijun YANG

Macau: History and Society. By Zhidong Hao

CHAN Kwok Shing

Passage to Manhood: Youth Migration, Heroin, and AIDS in Southwest China. By Liu Shao-hua

HO Wing Chung

Vol.11, No.1, Spring 2011


A Rising Unknown: Rediscovering China in Japan’s East Asia

Chih-yu Shih

Performance, Meaning, and Ideology in the Making of Legitimacy: The Celebrations of the People’s Republic of China’s Sixty-Year Anniversary

Yih-Jye Hwang and Florian Schneider

Fiscal Transfer and Local Public Expenditure in China: A Case Study of Shanxi Province

Haiyan Duan and Jing Vivian Zhan

Staging Spatial Conflicts and Affect in Emotional Postsocialism: Meng Jinghui’s Theater

Jing Nie



Study of the Diaoyu Islands: A Continuation of Document-Based Research in the Style of Jean-Marc F. Blanchard

Zhijian Liang



Re-Writing Culture in Taiwan. Edited by Fang-long Shih et al.

Pei-yin LIN

Negotiating Cultural Change: The Discourse of Art in 1980s China. By Eduardo Welsh


China’s Hong Kong Transformed: Retrospect and Prospects beyond the First Decade. Edited by Ming K. Chan


China in the 21st Century: What Everyone Needs to Know. By Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom


The New Imperialism in China I & II (in Chinese). By Larry H. P. Lang


Revolution/Narration: The Socialist Imagination in Chinese Literature & Culture (1949–1966) (in Chinese). By Cai Xiang


A Critical History of New Music in China. By Liu Ching-chih

Ou-fan LEE

Emperor Qianlong: Son of Heaven, Man of the World. By Mark Elliott

JIA Jianfei

Where Is Jiangnan? Establishment of Qing Dynasty Orthodoxy and the Changing Inner World of Intellectuals (in Chinese). By Yang Nianqun

XIE Maosong

Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World. By Haiming Wen


Vol.10, No.2, Fall 2010


Transnationalism and Glocalization in Chinese Language and East Asian Cinemas

Lu Tonglin (guest editor)



Introduction: Transnationalism and Glocalization in Chinese Language and East Asian Cinemas

Lu Tonglin


I. Historical East Asia

Japanese Cinema in the Global System: An Asian Classical Cinema

Catherine Russell

The Ambivalence of the Nationalist Struggle in Deterritorialized Space: The Case of South Korea’s Manchurian Action Film

Jinsoo An

When China Encounters Asia Again: Rethinking Ethnic Excess in Some Recent Films from the PRC

Kwai-Cheung Lo


II. Transborder Regionalization

Remapping Contemporary Chinese Cinema Studies

Chris Berry and Laikwan Pang

Of the East Asian Cultural Sphere: Theorizing Cultural Regionalization

JungBong Choi

Children Caught in Crossfire: John Woo and a Global Affective Cinema

JungBong Choi


III. The Global within the Local, the Transnational within the National

The World without Future: Stage as Entrapment in Jia Zhangke’s Film

Erik Bordeleau

Fruit Chan’s Dumplings—New “Diary of a Madman” in Post-Mao Global Capitalism

Lu Tonglin



Footprints of the Missing: Trends of Thought of Young People during the Cultural Revolution (in Chinese). By Yin Hongbiao

Anita CHAN

Tears from Iron: Cultural Responses to Famine in Nineteenth- Century China. By Kathryn Edgerton-Tarpley

P. Richard BOHR

Cinema, Space, and Polylocality in a Globalizing China. By Zhang Yingjin


Vol.10, No.1, Spring 2010


Urbanization in China: Processes and Policies

Chaolin Gu and Fulong Wu (Guest Editor)



Urbanization in China: Processes and Policies

Chaolin Gu and Fulong Wu

Land Property Rights and Urbanization in China

Li Xun, Xu Xianxiang and Li Zhigang

Growth Politics in Urban China: A Case Study of Jiangsu’s Jiangyin-Jingjiang Industrial Park

Luo Xiaolong

Fundamentals of China’s Urbanization and Policy

Kam Wing Chan

Regional Governance, Local Fragmentation, and Administrative Division Adjustment: Spatial Integration in Changzhou

Feng Zhen, Qing Shen, Boxiu Jian and Jun Zheng



The Right to the Entrepreneurial City in Reform-Era China

Li Zhang

Patronage or Prebendalism? The Mishu/Shouzhang Relationship and Corruption in Chinese Politics

Xia Li Lollar and Anne Wing Hamilton

The Hidden Rules Governing China’s Unregistered NGOs: Management and Consequences

Guosheng Deng

Environmental Governance in China: Weakness and Potential from an Environmental Policy Integration Perspective

Olivia Bina



China and the New International Order. Edited by Wang Gongwu and Zheng Yongnian

Richard BAUM

The Night Entertainments of Han Xizai: A Scroll by Gu Hongzhong.By Michael Sullivan

Katharine P. BURNETT

Popular Protest in China. Edited by Kevin O’Brien


State and Society Responses to Social Welfare Needs in China: Serving the people. Edited by Jonathan Schwartz and Shawn Shieh


China’s Reforms at 30: Challenges and Prospects. Edited by Dali L. Yang and Litao Zhao

Yue-man YEUNG

Fighting Famine in North China: State, Market, and Environmental Decline, 1690s−1990s. By Lillian M. Li

Andrea JANKU

Vol.9, No.2, Fall 2009



Peter Tze-ming NG (Guest Editor)



American Public Discourse on the Church in China

Daniel H. BAYS

Politics of Faith: Christian Activism and the Maoist State in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province

Joseph Tse-Hei LEE

Protestant Christianity in China: Perspectives from the History of Chinese Religions and Early Christianity in the Roman World


The Regional Development of Protestant Christianity in China: 1918, 1949 and 2004

Fuk-tsang YING



Relegitimation through New Patterns of Social Security: Neighbourhood Communities as Legitimating Institutions


Bureau Chiefs and Policy Experts in the Chinese Policy Decision-making Process: Making Guanxi More Influential

ZHU Xufeng



China’s Openness and Reform at 30: Retrospect and Prospect

Yue-man YEUNG

Africa-China Relations: Symmetry, Soft Power and South Africa




Beijing: From Imperial Capital to Olympic City. By Lillian M. Li, Alison J. Dray-Novey and Haili Kong

Richard BELSKY

The “Chinese Century”? The Challenge to Global Order. By David Scott


Speaking to History: The Story of King Goujian in Twentieth- Century China. By Paul A. Cohen


War, Politics and Society in Early Modern China 900–1795. By Peter Lorge


Negotiated Power in Late Imperial China: The Zongli Yamen and the Politics of Reform. By Jennifer Rudolph


Boundaries and Categories: Rising Inequality in Post-Socialist Urban China. By Wang Feng

WU Xiaogang

China’s Urbanization: Pattern, Process and Mechanism. Edited by Gu Chaolin, Yu Taofang and Li Wangming

Yue-man YEUNG

Vol.9, No.1, Spring 2009


Markets, Courts and Leninism

Pierre F. LANDRY, Yanqi TONG and SHEN Mingming (Guest Editors)



Introduction: Markets, Courts and Leninism

Pierre F. LANDRY, Yanqi TONG and SHEN Mingming

Dispute Resolution Strategies in a Hybrid System

Yanqi TONG

Does the Communist Party Help Strengthen China’s Legal Reforms?

Pierre F. LANDRY

Rule of Law and Dispute Resolution in China: Evidence from Survey Data

Wenfang TANG

Litigating Economic Disputes in Rural China

SHEN Mingming and WANG Yuhua

The Rule of Law in China: If It Has Been Built, Do People Know about It?

Ming YANG and Juan CHEN

GPS in China Social Surveys: Lessons from the ILRC Survey

Yan Jie, Pierre F. LANDRY and Liying REN



The Analects of Confucius. Translated by Burton Watson

E. Bruce and A. Taeko BROOKS

A Rejoinder to Professor Brook’s Book Review on the Analects


A Reply to Professor Watson

E. Bruce and A. Taeko BROOKS

Authenticating Tibet: Answers to China’s 100 Questions. Edited by Anne-Marie Blondeau and Katia Buffetrille


The Precious Raft of History: The Past, the West, and the Woman Question in China. By Joan Judge

Yuen Ting LEE

The Jacquinot Safe Zone: Wartime Refugees in Shanghai. By Marcia R. Ristaino

R. Keith Schoppa

China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household. By C. Cindy Fan

SHEN Jianfa

Keeping Democracy at Bay: Hong Kong and the Challenge of Chinese Political Reform. By Suzanne Pepper


Re-envisioning the Chinese Revolution: The Politics and Poetics of Collective Memories in Reform China. Edited by Ching Kwan Lee and Guobin Yan


Portrait of a Community: Society, Culture, and the Structures of Kinship in the Mulan River Valley (Fujian) from the Late Tang through the Song. By Hugh R. Clark


Vol.8, No.2, Fall 2008


How Can Government Become Responsible? Trajectories, Meanings and Intentions

Linda Chelan Li (Guest Editor)

The Genesis of Responsible Government under Authoritarian Conditions: Taiwan during Martial Law

Tak-Wing Ngo and Yi-Chi Chen

Contractual Thinking and Responsible Government in China: A Constructivist Framework for Analysis

Chengxin Pan

Objective Responsibility vs. Subjective Responsibility: A Critical Reading of the CCP’s Internal Supervision Regulation

Ting Gong

Failing to Treat: Why Public Hospitals in China Do Not Work

Wai-keung Tam

Regulating Decentralization in China

Shiufai Wong and Martin Painter (Guest Editors)

The Role of Provincial Policies in Fiscal Equalization Outcomes in China

Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Baoyun Qiao and Li Zhang

One Country, Diverse Systems: Politics of Educational Decentralization and Challenges for the Regulatory State in Post-Mao China

Mok Ka-ho and King Lun NGOK

State Regulation and China’s Administrative System: A Spatial Perspective


Regulating Decentralized State Industries: China’s Auto Industry

Yukyung Yeo and Margaret Pearson

Central-local Relations and Pricing Policies for Wind Energy in China

Daphne Ngar-yin Mah and Peter Hills


Book Reviews

A Century of Travels in China: Critical Essays on Travel Writing from the 1840s to the 1940s. Edited by Douglas Kerr and Julia Kuehn

James M. Hargett

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Shaping the Reforms, Academia and China (1997–2003). By Margaret Sleeboom- Faulkner

Ann Kent

Education and Reform in China. Edited by Emily Hannum and Albert Park

Stanley Rosen

Hong Kong, China: Learning to Belong to a Nation. By Gordon Mathews, Eric Kit-wai Ma, and Tai-lok Lui

Edward Vickers

Vol.8, No.1, Spring 2008



Roger C. K. Chan and George C. S. Lin (Guest Editors)



From a Colonial Outpost to a Special Administrative Region: Hong Kong’s First Decade of Reunion with China

Roger C. K. Chan and George C. S. Lin

Structural Changes in the Economy of Hong Kong since 1997

David R. Meyer

Like Sons and Daughters of Hong Kong: The Return of the Young Generation

Janet Salaff, Angela Shik and Arent Greve

Culture and the City: Hong Kong, 1997–2007

Carolyn Cartier

One Public, Two Health Systems: Hong Kong and China, Integration without Convergence

Kerrie L. MacPherson


Other Article

Retreat of the State? Restructuring the Chinese Central Bureaucracies in the Era of Economic Globalization

Joo-Youn Jung


Research Note

The Rise of China and Soft Power: China’s Soft Power Influence in Korea

Jung-Nam Lee


Book Reviews

Playing to the World’s Biggest Audience: The Globalization of Chinese Film and TV. By Michael Curtin

Chris Berry

Rightful Resistance in Rural China. By Kevin J. O’Brien and Lianjiang Li

Haijing Dai

Interfirm Relations under Late Industrialization in China: The Supplier System in the Motorcycle Industry. By Moriki Ohara

Peilei Fan

The Urban Generation: Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century. Edited by Zhang Zhen

Christopher Lupke

Political Rights in Post-Mao China. By Merle Goldman

Barrett L. McCormick

Empire, Nation and Beyond: Chinese History in Late Imperial and Modern Times—A Festschrift in Honor of Frederic Wakeman. Edited by Joseph W. Esherick, Wen-hsin Yeh and Madeleine Zelin

Joanna Waley-Cohen

Hong Mai’s Record of the Listener and Its Song Dynasty Context. By Alister D. Inglis

Hilde De Weerdt

China’s Trapped Transition: The Limits of Developmental Autocracy. By Minxin Pei

Lynn White

Vol.7, No.2, Fall 2007



Tai-lok LUI and Stephen W. K. CHIU (Guest Editors)



Governance Crisis in Post-1997 Hong Kong: A Political Economy Perspective

Tai-lok LUI and Stephen W. K. CHIU

The Hong Kong Economy under Asymmetric Integration: Structural Transformation or Dissolution?

TSANG Shu-ki

Neoliberalization and Privatization in Hong Kong after the 1997 Financial Crisis

CHEN Yun Chung and PUN Ngai

Political Opportunities, Social Mobilization and Collective Action: The Re-invigorated Pro-Democracy Movement in Hong Kong

Joseph M. CHAN and Francis L. F. LEE

Misled Intervention by a Misplaced Diagnosis: The Hong Kong SAR Government’s Policies for Alleviating Poverty and Social Exclusion


Grassroots Nationalism: Changing Identity in a Changing Context

Eric MA


Other Articles

Living with the State: Ambivalent Autonomy in the Yao Community in Jinxiu

Chih-yu SHIH

Geographical Changes in Foreign Direct Investment and Impacts on Regional Economic Integration in China: The Case Study of the Pan-PRD Regionalization

Li ZHANG and Simon Xiaobin ZHAO


Book Reviews

Behind the Bamboo Curtain: China, Vietnam, and the World beyond Asia. Edited by Priscilla Roberts

ANG Cheng Guan

Emperor and Ancestor: State and Lineage in South China. By David Faure


Paying for Progress in China: Public Finance, Human Welfare and Changing Patterns of Inequality. Edited by Vivienne Shue and Christine Wong

Carsten A. HOLZ

Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History. Edited by David Der-wei Wang and Carlos Rojas

Jeffrey C. KINKLEY

Culture in the Contemporary PRC. Edited by Michel Hockx and Julia Strauss


Envisioning Taiwan: Fiction, Cinema, and the Nation in the Cultural Imaginary. By June Yip

Pei-yin LIN

Vol.7, No.1, Spring 2007


The Bund and Beyond: Rethinking the Sino-Foreign Financial Grid in Pre-War Shanghai


Competitive Advantage and Rural Industrial Clustering: The Case of Steel Measuring Tape Production in a Chinese Village

Xiaojian LI and Erling LI

WTO Accession, Financial Reform and the Rule of Law in China

Berry F. C. HSU and Douglas W. ARNER

Evolution of Health Provision in Pre-SARS China: The Changing Nature of Disease Prevention Jonathan SCHWARTZ, R. Gregory EVANS and


Re-Visions of Shuihu Women in Chinese Theatre and Cinema



Research Note

Location of Japanese Investment in China’s Food Industry

Shaosheng JIN and Suminori TOKUNAGA


Book Reviews

The Chinese Communist Party in Reform. Edited by Kjeld Erik Brodsgaard and Zheng Yongnian


State and Laid-off Workers in Reform China: The Silence and Collective Action of the Retrenched. By Yongshun Cai


Miraculous Response: Doing Popular Religion in Contemporary China. By Adam Yuet Chau

Mayfair YANG

Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity, and Frontier in Early Modern China. Edited by Pamela K. Crossley, Helen F. Siu, and Donald S. Sutton


Educational Reform in Republican China: The Failure of Educators to Create a Modern Nation. By Thomas D. Curran


Republican Beijing: The City and Its Histories. By Madeleine Yue Dong

Michael TSIN

Making Place: State Projects, Globalisation and Local Responses in China. Edited by Stephan Feuchtwang

Xiangqun CHANG

China Candid: The People on the People’s Republic. By Sang Ye and edited by Geremie R. Barmé, with Miriam Lang

Martin King WHYTE

The Transformation of Chinese Socialism. By Lin Chun


The Merchants of Zigong: Industrial Entrepreneurship in Early Modern China. By Madeline Zelin

David D. BUCK

Vol.6, No.2, Fall 2006





Introduction to the Special Issue: WTO and China’s Financial Development

Douglas W. ARNER (Guest Editor)

Implementing China’s WTO Commitments in Chinese Financial Services Law

Sanzhu ZHU

Insurance in China: Assessment of the Implementation of China’s WTO Commitments


Managing Liberalization Risk in China’s Securities Market: Challenges from WTO Implementation

Michael E. BURKE

CEPA and China’s Banking Law: Conflicts and Adjustments



Other Article

The Rise and Fall of the China League for Civil Rights

Jinxing CHEN


Book Reviews

Legitimacy: Ambiguities of Political Success or Failure in East and Southeast Asia. Edited by Lynn White


SARS in China: Prelude to Pandemic? Edited by Arthur Kleinman and James L. Watson

Joseph Y. S. CHENG

Ethnic Business: Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia. Edited by K. S. Jomo and Brian C. Folk

Catherine C. H. CHIU

China’s Peaceful Rise: Speeches of Zheng Bijian 1997–2005. By Zheng Bijian


US-China Cold War Collaboration, 1971–1989. By S. Mahmud Ali

Evelyn GOH

Zhou Enlai: A Political Life. By Barbara Barnouin and Yu Changgen


Bodies of Difference: Experiences of Disability and Institutional Advocacy in the Making of Modern China. By Matthew Kohrman


Modern Mongolia: From Khans to Commissars to Capitalists. By Morris Rossabi


Perspectives on Cross-Strait Relations: Views from Europe. Edited by Günter Schucher and Margot Schüller

Vincent K. POLLARD

Party Politics in Taiwan: Party Change and the Democratic Evolution of Taiwan, 1991–2004. By Dafydd Fell

Shelley RIGGER

Kinship, Contract, Community, and State: Anthropological Perspectives on China. By Myron L. Cohen

Helen F. SIU

Outcry from a Red Guard Imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution (in Chinese). By Lu Li’an and edited by Wang Shaoguang

Guobin YANG

China after Jiang, 2003. Edited by Gang Lin and Xiaobo Hu

You JI

Touring China’s Minority Regions (in Japanese). Edited by Taniguchi Fusao and Katsushige Iizuka


China as a Rising World Power and Its Responses to “Globalization.” Edited by Ronald C. Keith

Shiping ZHENG

Vol.6, No.1, Spring 2006





Introduction: Mediating State and Market in China’s Competitive High Technology Industry

Yu ZHOU and Yifei SUN (Guest Editors)

Promoting Indigenous Capability: The Chinese Government and the Catching-Up of Domestic Telecom-Equipment Firms

Peilei FAN

State and Commercial Enterprises in China’s Technical Standard Strategies


Foreign R&D in Developing Countries: Empirical Evidence from Shanghai, China

Yifei SUN, Debin DU and Li HUANG

Market Transition, State Connections and Internet Geography in China



Other Articles

TV Romance and Popular Cultural Mood: The Chi Li Phenomenon

Hongwei LU

Chinese Ocean Policies Towards the South China Sea in a Transitional Period, 1946–1952



Research Note

Regulating the Environment: Assessing China’s Domestic Environmental Law and Participation in International Treaties



Book Reviews

Chineseness Across Borders: Renegotiating Chinese Identities in China and the United States. By Andrea Louie

Melissa J. BROWN

Social Space and Governance in Urban China: The Danwei System from Origins to Reform. By David Bray


China’s West Region Development: Domestic Strategies and Global Implications. Edited by Ding Lu and William A. W. Neilson

C. Cindy FAN

The Man Awakened from Dreams: One Man’s Life in a North China Village, 1857–1942. By Henrietta Harrison

Charles W. HAYFORD

Corruption and Market in Contemporary China. By Yan Sun


Suzhou: Where the Goods of All the Provinces Converge. By Michael Marmé

KWAN Man Bun

Public Opinion and Political Change in China. By Wenfang Tang

Lianjiang LI

City of the Queen: A Novel of Colonial Hong Kong. By Shih Shuching and translated by Sylvia Li-chun Lin and Howard Goldblatt


Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan Strait. By Richard C. Bush

Ramon H. MYERS

Disgraceful Matters: The Politics of Chastity in Eighteenth- Century China. By Janet Theiss

Bradly W. REED

Rising to the Challenge: China’s Grand Strategy and International Security. By Avery Goldstein


Vol.5, No.2, Fall 2005





Introduction: Gilded-Age Memories of the Cultural Revolution

Guobin YANG and Ming-Bao YUE (Guest Editors)

Days of Old Are Not Puffs of Smoke: Three Hypotheses on Collective Memories of the Cultural Revolution

Guobin YANG

Nostalgia for the Future: Cultural Revolution Memory in Two Transnational Chinese Narratives

Ming-Bao YUE

“Playing in the Dirt”: Plays about Geologists and Memories of the Cultural Revolution and the Maoist Era

Xiaomei CHEN

Old Zhiqing Photos: Nostalgia and the “Spirit” of the Cultural Revolution


Revolution Is a Dinner Party: Cultural Revolution Restaurants in Contemporary China

Jennifer HUBBERT

Music, Memory, and Nostalgia: Collective Memories of Cultural Revolution Songs in Contemporary China

Lei Ouyang BRYANT


Book Reviews

From Cotton Mill to Business Empire: The Emergence of Regional Enterprises in Modern China. By Elisabeth Köll

David D. BUCK

Between Shanghai and Hong Kong: The Politics of Chinese Cinemas. By Poshek Fu


Understanding the Political Culture of Hong Kong: The Paradox of Activism and Depoliticization. By Lam Wai-man


Sights of Contestation: Localism, Globalism and Cultural Production in Asia and the Pacific. Edited by Kwok-kan Tam, Wimal Dissanayake and Terry Siu-han Yip

Poshek FU

Labor Dispute Resolution in China: Implications for Labor Rights and Legal Reform. By Virginia Harper Ho


Under Confucian Eyes: Writings on Gender in Chinese History. Edited by Susan Mann and Yu-Yin Cheng

Yuen Ting LEE

Influence, Translation, and Parallels: Selected Studies on the Bible in China. By Marián Gálik

LIAO Weichun

Illuminations from the Past: Trauma, Memory, and History in Modern China. By Ban Wang


The Imperialist Imaginary: Visions of Asia and the Pacific in merican Culture. By John R. Eperjesi

Hoang Gia PHAN

Chinese Aesthetics and Literature: A Reader. Edited by Corinne H. Dale


A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism. By Zhao Suisheng

Michael YAHUDA

Vol.5, No.1, Spring 2005





Resource Utilization and Disparities in Compulsory Education in China

Mun C. TSANG and Yanqing DING

Issues in the Expansion of Higher Education in the People’s Republic of China

Henry M. LEVIN and Zeyu XU

Trust, Ownership, and Autonomy: Challenges Facing Private Higher Education in China

Jing LIN, Yu ZHANG, Lan GAO and Yan LIU


Other Articles

Marxist Maternalism, Memory, and the Mobilization of Women in the Great Leap Forward

Kimberley Ens MANNING

Examining the Connection Between Temporary Migration and the Spread of STDs and HIV/AIDS in China

Christopher J. SMITH and Xiushi YANG


Book Reviews

God and Caesar in China: Policy Implications of Church-State Tensions. Edited by Jason Kindopp and Carol Lee Hamrin

P. Richard Bohr

Culturing Modernity: The Nantong Model, 1890–1930. By Qin Shao

David D. Buck

Christianity and University Education in China (in Chinese). By Peter Tze-ming Ng

Choong Chee Pang

China, Sex and Prostitution. By Elaine Jeffreys

James Farrer

China’s New Nationalism: Pride, Politics, and Diplomacy. By Peter Hays Gries

Peter Koehn

Dislocating China: Muslims, Minorities, and Other Subaltern Subjects. By Dru C. Gladney

Colin Mackerras

Narcotic Culture: A History of Drugs in China. By Frank Dikötter, Lars Laamann, and Zhou Xun

Richard Madsen

Changing Church and State Relations in Hong Kong, 1950–2000. By Beatrice Leung and Shun-hing Chan

Peter Tze Ming Ng

Translating Orients: Between Ideology and Culture. By Timothy Weiss

Andrew Parkin

The Cultural Revolution in the Foreign Ministry of China (in Chinese). By Ma Jisen

Tong Xiaoxi

The River Runs Black: The Environmental Challenge to China’s Future. By Elizabeth C. Economy

Wong Koon-kwai

Vol.4, No.2, Fall 2004





Great Disorder under Heaven: Endemic Corruption and Rapid Growth in Contemporary China


Dependent Judiciary and Unaccountable Judges: Judicial Corruption in Contemporary China


An Empirical Study of Corruption within China’s State-owned Enterprises

Wenhao CHENG

Lessons for Mainland China from Anti-corruption Reform in Hong Kong

Melanie MANION

Regime and Curbing Corruption



Other Articles

Domestic Support Ratios in Two-Level Bargaining: The US-China WTO Negotiations

Albert S. YEE

National Development and Individual Trauma in Wushan yunyu



Book Reviews

Exorcism and Money: The Symbolic World of the Five-Fury Spirits in Late Imperial China. By Qitao Guo

Hung-lam Chu

Intellectuals at a Crossroads: The Changing Politics of China’s Knowledge Workers. By Zhidong Hao

Gloria Davies

Fictional Authors, Imaginary Audiences: Modern Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century. By Bonnie S. McDougall

Michel Hockx

At Cross Purposes: US-Taiwan Relations Since 1942. By Richard C. Bush

James C. Hsiung

Digital Dragon: High-Technology Enterprises in China. By Adam Segal

Mark Jacobs

Popular Political Support in Urban China. By Jie Chen

Andrew Wedeman

A Tale of the Yangtze River (in Japanese). By Katsushige Iizuka

Guohe Zheng

Vol.4, No.1, Spring 2004





Networks of News: Power, Language and Transnational Dimensions of the Chinese Press, 1850–1949

Bryna GOODMAN (Guest Editor)

Transnationalism, the Press, and the National Imaginary in Twentieth Century China


“British Barbarians” and “Chinese Pigtails”? Translingual Practice in a Transnational Environment in Nineteenth Century Hong Kong and Shanghai


Semi-Colonialism, Transnational Networks and News Flows in Early Republican Shanghai


Beyond Tianxia: The Zhongwai Xinwen Qiribao (Hong Kong 1871–1872) and the Construction of a Transnational Chinese Community

Elizabeth SINN

Qiaokan and the Transnational Community of Taishan County, Guangdong, 1882–1943

Madeline Y. HSU

Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, and Transnational Networks: The Chenbao Fujuan, 1921–1928

Xiaoqun XU


Other Articles

On Taiwan’s Missing Crime and Mystery Fiction: Zhang Dachun’s Postmodern Transformation of the Taiwan Whodunit

Jeffrey C. KINKLEY

Pink Pills and Black Hands: Women and Hygiene in Republican China

Sylvia Li-chun LIN


Book Reviews

A History of Modern Shanghai Banking: The Rise and Decline of China’s Finance Capitalism. By Zhaojin Ji

Linsun Cheng

The Experience of Modernity: Chinese Autobiography of the Early Twentieth Century. By Janet Ng

Li Xia

Rulin Waishi and Cultural Transformation in Late Imperial China. By Shang Wei

Yuet Keung Lo

China’s New Voices: Popular Music, Ethnicity, Gender, and Politics, 1978–1997. By Nimrod Baranovitch

Colin Mackerras

Modernizing China’s Military: Progress, Problems, and Prospects. By David Shambaugh

Ka Po Ng

China’s Industrial State-owned Enterprises: Between Profitability and Bankruptcy. By Carsten A. Holz

Russell Smyth

China: Transnational Visuality, Global Postmodernity. By Sheldon H. Lu

Gang Gary Xu

Vol.3, No.2, Fall 2003



Kam Wing CHAN (Guest Editor)



Chinese Census 2000: New Opportunities and Challenges

Kam Wing CHAN

China’s Missing Girls: Numerical Estimates and Effects on Population Growth

Yong CAI and William LAVELY

Mortality Analysis of China’s 2000 Population Census Data: A Preliminary Examination

LI Shuzhuo and SUN Fubin

Urbanization in China in the 1990s: New Definition, Different Series, and Revised Trends

Kam Wing CHAN and Ying HU

Migration As Marketization: What Can We Learn from China’s 2000 Census Data?

CAI Fang and WANG Dewen

Dynamics of Family and Elderly Living Arrangements in China: New Lessons Learned from the 2000 Census

ZENG Yi and Zhenglian WANG

Housing Improvement and Distribution in Urban China: Initial Evidence from China’s 2000 Census



Research Note

Urban Labour Market Segmentation: Some Observations Based on Wuhan Census Data

Yunyan YANG


Book Reviews

Like Cattle and Horses: Nationalism and Labor in Shanghai, 1895–1927. By S. A. Smith

R. David Arkush

The Yale-China Association: A Centennial History. By Nancy E. Chapman, with Jessica C. Plumb

Suzanne Wilson Barnett

China in the Post-Utopian Age. By Christopher J. Smith

Ming K. Chan

Love-Letters and Privacy in Modern China: The Intimate Lives of Lu Xun and Xu Guangping. By Bonnie S. McDougall

Chiu-yee Cheung

Memoirs from the Beijing Film Academy: The Genesis of China’s Fifth Generation. By Ni Zhen. Translated by Chris Berry

Paul Clark

The China Miracle: Development Strategy and Economic Reform. By Justin Yifu Lin, Fang Cai, and Zhou Li

Carsten A. Holz

Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei. By Naifei Ding

Karl Kao

China’s Leadership in the Twenty-first Century: The Rise of the Fourth Generation. Edited by David M. Finkelstein and Maryanne Kivlehan

Hongyi Lai

Internationalizing China, Domestic Interests and Global Linkages. By David Zweig

Ying Lin

Like Froth Floating on the Sea: The World of Pirates and Seafarers in Late Imperial South China. By Robert J. Antony

Dian Murray

Chinese Feminities/Chinese Masculinities: A Reader. Edited by Susan Brownell and Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom

Janet W. Salaff

A Rainbow over the Pacific: American Writers and Chinese Culture (in Chinese). By Zhang Hong, et al.

Guohe Zheng

“Pen Units” and the Invasion of China: A Critical Study of Japanese Literature Devoted to the Invasion of China (in Chinese). By Wang Xiangyuan

Guohe Zheng

Vol.3, No.1, Spring 2003



Hong Jiang (Guest Editor)



The Cultural Configuration of Literature and Film in 1990s China: A New Perspective

Hong Jiang

The Personalization of Literature: Chinese Women’s Writing in the 1990s

Hong Jiang

Okay, Whatever: Intellectuals, Sex, and Time in Wang Xiaobo’s The Golden Years

Wendy Larson

Music and Noise: Independent Film and Globalization

Tonglin Lu

Tropes of “Home”: The Gender of Globalizing Markets in Chinese Urban Culture

Haiping Yan


Research Note

Nan Shui Bei Diao: Diverting Water from the South to the North in China

Elspeth Thomson


Book Reviews

The China Dream: The Elusive Quest for the Greatest Untapped Market on Earth. By Joe Studwell

Yuk-shing Cheng

Narratives, Politics and the Public Sphere: Struggles over Political Reform in the Final Transitional Years in Hong Kong (1992–1994). By Agnes S. M. Ku

Michael E. DeGolyer

Rethinking the 1898 Reform Period: Political and Cultural Change in Late Qing China. Edited by Rebecca E. Karl and Peter Zarrow

Roger Des Forges

Staging the World: Chinese Nationalism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. By Rebecca E. Karl

Edward Friedman

Popular China: Unofficial Culture in a Globalizing Society. Edited by Perry Link, Richard P. Madsen and Paul G. Pickowicz

Laura W. Geller

Creating a Chinese Harbin: Nationalism in an International City, 1916–1932. By James H. Carter

Kwan Man Bun

Xiao Hong. The Field of Life and Death and Tales of Hulan River (Revised Edition). Translated by Howard Goldblatt

Lily Xiao Hong Lee

Crisis and Transformation in China’s Hong Kong. Edited by Ming K. Chan and Alvin Y. So

Li Pang-kwong

The Chinese Postmodern: Trauma and Irony in Chinese Avant-Garde Fiction. By Xiaobin Yang

Bonnie S. McDougall

The Nature of Chinese Politics: From Mao to Jiang. Edited by Jonathan Unger

Jeremy Paltiel

Memories of the Future: National Identity Issues and the Search for a New Taiwan. Edited by Stéphane Corcuff

Chih-yu Shih

China’s Economic Challenge — Smashing the Iron Rice Bowl. By Neil C. Hughes

Lina Song

Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility Since 1949. By Zhiyue Bo

Andrew Wedeman

The Generalissimo’s Son: Chiang Ching-kuo and the Revolutions in China and Taiwan. By Jay Taylor

Allen S. Whiting

Vol.2, No.2, Fall 2002


Anticipating Community, Producing Dissent: The Politics of Recent Chinese Intellectual Praxis

Gloria Davies

Imagining the People: “Yellow Earth” and the Enigma of Nationalist Consciousness

W. K. Cheng

The Development of Private Enterprise in Contemporary China: Institutional Foundations and Limitations

Sun Wen-bin and Wong Siu-lun

The Life Span of Unified Regimes in China

Hongyi Harry Lai


Book Reviews

China’s Integration in Asia: Economic Security and Strategic Issues. Edited by Robert Ash

Joseph Y. S. Cheng

Modern China and Opium: A Reader. Edited by Alan Baumler

R. Bin Wong

Building in China: Henry K. Murphy’s “Adaptive Architecture,” 1914–1935. By Jeffrey W. Cody

Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt

Chinese Democracy after Tiananmen. By Yijiang Ding

Shi Tianjian

Some Did It for Civilisation; Some Did It for Their Country: A Revised View of the Boxer War. By Jane E. Elliott

Joseph W. Esherick

Where China Meets Southeast Asia: Social and Cultural Change in the Border Regions. Edited by Grant Evans, Christopher Hutton, and Kuah Khun Eng

James K. Chin

Appetites: Food and Sex in Post-Socialist China. By Judith Farquhar

Tan Chee-Beng

Yellow Music: Media Culture and Colonial Modernity in the Chinese Jazz Age. By Andrew F. Jones

Yu Siu Wah

Integrating China into the Global Economy. By Nicholas R. Lardy

Yin-Ping Ho

Nanking 1937: Memory and Healing. Edited by Feifei Li, Robert Sabella and David Liu

Charles W. Hayford

Anglo-China: Chinese People and British Rule in Hong Kong, 1841–1880. By Christopher Munn

Jung-fang Tsai

Challenging the Mandate of Heaven: Social Protest and State Power in China. By Elizabeth J. Perry

Diana Lary

The Boxer Rebellion. The Dramatic Story of China’s War on Foreigners That Shook the World in the Summer of 1900. By Diana Preston

Jane Elliott

The Chinese National Character: From Nationhood to Individuality. By Lung-kee Sun

Chung-fang Yang

The Transformation of Rural China. By Jonathan Unger

Chong-Chor Lau

Whither China? Intellectual Politics in Contemporary China. Edited by Xudong Zhang

Colin Mackerras

Vol.2, No.1, Spring 2002





Locating Globalization: The Changing Role of the City-state in Post-handover Hong Kong

Ngai Pun and Kim-ming Lee

Re-engineering the Developmental State in an Age of Globalization: Taiwan in Defiance of Neo liberalism

Yun-han Chu

Globalization, Governance, and Development of the Pearl River Delta Region

Yan Hu and Roger C. K. Chan

Is China Following the East Asian Model? A “Comparative Institutional Analysis” Perspective

Keun Lee, Donghoon Hahn, and Justin Lin


Research Notes

Gender Inequality in Access to Knowledge in China

Danke Li

Weak Links within a Centralized National System: Inter-Provincial Relations vis-à-vis News Coverage from 1955 to 1996

Jonathan J. H. Zhu and Yu Huang


Book Reviews

China and Democracy: Reconsidering the Prospects for a Democratic China. Edited by Suisheng Zhao

Chih-yu Shih

Power, Money and Media: Communication Patterns and Bureaucratic Control in Cultural China. Edited by Chin-chuan Lee

Junhao Hong

Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies in the Age of Theory: Reimagining a Field. Edited by Rey Chow

Hilary Chung

China’s Trial by Fire: The Shanghai War of 1932. By Donald A. Jordan

Parks M. Coble

The Spirit and the Flesh in Shandong, 1650–1785. By D. E. Mungello

Yuen-sang Leung

Vol.1, No.1, Fall 2001


Nationalism and Chinese Foreign Policy

Tianbiao Zhu

Pitfalls of China’s Industrial Statistics: Inconsistencies and Specification Problems

Carsten A. Holz and Yi-min Lin

Determinants of Employee Salary Growth in Shanghai: An Analysis of Formal Education, On-the-job Training, and Adult Education with a Three-level Model

Jin Xiao

Entrepreneurs and Politics in the Chinese Transitional Economy: Political Connections and Rent-seeking

Eun Kyong Choi and Kate Xiao Zhou

The Chinese Cultural Revolution Revisited

Xing Li


Book Reviews

China Along the Yellow River: A Scholar’s Observations and Reflections on Rural Society (in Chinese).By Cao Jinqing

David Cowhig

China Along the Yellow River: A Scholar’s Observations and Reflections on Rural Society (in Chinese).By Cao Jinqing

Wang Xi

Why Do We Have to Abolish the Province?: An Assessment and Adjustment of Administrative Division in Taiwan (in Chinese).By Liu Tao-yi

Jianfa Shen

Studies on Spatial Agglomeration and Dispersal in the Coastal Urban Areas in China (in Chinese). By Hu Xuwei,Zhou Yixing, Gu Chaolin, et al.

Yue-man Yeung

American Goddess at the Rape of Nanking: The Courage of Minnie Vautrin. By Hua-ling Hu

Guohe Zheng

Remaking the Chinese City: Modernity and National Identity, 1900–1950. Edited by Joseph W. Esherick

Chang-tai Hung

Peking: Temples and City Life, 1400–1900. By Susan Naquin

Ronald Suleski

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