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  • (Out of Stock) Asian Journal of Counselling

(Out of Stock) Asian Journal of Counselling

Published for the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK

English, Chinese

229 x 152 mm ISBN / ISSN : 1560-8255

  • US$10.00

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The Asian Journal of Counselling, co-published by the HKIER and the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association twice a year, is the only bilingual journal related to the science and practice of counselling published in Hong Kong. The journal contains articles on theories, research and case studies of counselling and covers areas ranging from intervention to individual and group counselling, career counselling, cross-cultural and multicultural counselling, counselling training and supervision, and issues of ethics and values related to counselling. Its aim is to promote the integration of Western counselling theories and practice into Asian and Chinese cultures.

亞洲輔導學報 – 編輯委員會 Editorial Board
Editor 主編

S. Alvin Leung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Associate Editors 副編

Lisa Tsoi-Hoshmand, Lesley University, U.S.A.
Editorial Board 編輯委員會

Charles Chan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Patrick S. Y. Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Daniel T. L. Shek, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Isaac Tam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Man-Tak Yuen, The University of Hong Kong
Editorial Consultants 編務顧問

Ping-Hwa Chen, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Collie W. Conoley, University of California, U.S.A.
Changming Duan, University of Missouri–Kansas City, U.S.A.
Kwong-Liem Karl Kwan, University of Missouri–Columbia, U.S.A.
P. Paul Heppner, University of Missouri–Columbia, U.S.A.
Derald W. Sue, Columbia University, U.S.A.
Lisa Suzuki, New York University, U.S.A.
Li-Fei Wang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Christine Yeh, University of San Francisco, U.S.A.
Managing Editor 執行編輯

Wai-kit Fung
Editorial Assistant 編務助理

Cherry Big-Bing Mui

Notes for Contributors
Articles published in the Asian Journal of Counselling are, based on their specific content, assigned into one of the following sections:

Special Topic
Research Forum
Theoretical and Issues Forum
Experience Sharing Forum
Authors are encouraged to visit the following Web site for details concerning the focus and purposes of these journal sections: http://hkier.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/journal/?page_id=7519

Manuscripts will be acknowledged on receipt by the Editor. Articles submitted for publication will be reviewed anonymously by at least one editorial consultant and one member of the editorial board. Final decisions regarding publication are made by the Editor based on the recommendations by the reviewers. The followings are guidelines for developing and submitting manuscripts. Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines may be returned to the author without having been reviewed.

Manuscripts must be typewritten, doubled-spaced on one side of A4 size paper. Manuscripts must adhere to the conventions of style and format described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2010) [For Chinese style guide, please click here]. Four copies of the manuscript should be submitted. Electronic submission via e-mail (hkier-journal@cuhk.edu.hk) is acceptable. Each manuscript should have two prefatory pages. The first page should contain the title of the article, authors’ names and affiliations and a short title. The second pages should contain an abstract of about 100-200 words. The Asian Journal of Counselling welcomes articles written in English or in Chinese. After an article is accepted for publication, in the case articles in Chinese, the author is requested to submit an English title and a translation of the abstract. Similarly, for articles in English, the author should submit a Chinese title and a Chinese translation of the abstract. The optimal length for articles in English is normally 20 double-spaced typewritten pages. For articles in Chinese, the optimal length is about 10,000 characters.

Contributors and correspondence concerning editorial matters should be sent to the Editor, Prof. S. Alvin Leung, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.


Vol.20, No.1-2, Summer-Winter 2013

Research Forum 研究論壇

Psychological Health of Expatriate Spouses: A Neglected Factor in International Relocation

Deborah L. WIESE



Psychometric Properties of the Career and Talent Development Self-Efficacy Scale When Used With University Students in China

Wu FAN, Dengfeng HAO, & Mantak YUEN

Teachers’ Perceptions of a Reporting System for Learning and Development in an “Inviting School” in Hong Kong

Y. B. CHUNG & Mantak YUEN

Vol.19, No.1-2, Summer-Winter 2012

Special Issue: Career Centers: Current International Perspectives


Editorial 編輯弁言

Career Centers in Higher Education: An International Perspective

Leili JIN & Mantak YUEN

Invited Papers 特邀文章

Current Status and Future Development of Career Centers in the United States

Jeff GARIS, Robert C. REARDON, & Janet G. LENZ

When the Music Changes, so Does the Dance: With Shifting U.S. Demographics, How Do Career Centers Need to Change?

Mary J. HEPPNER & Ae-Kyung JUNG

Career Centers in Higher Education in South Korea: Past, Present, and Future

Eunjoo YANG, Sang Min LEE, & Sung-Sik AHN

Using Career Education and Career Services to Enhance Employability: A Case of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dorinda FUNG & Philip S. L. WONG

Reaction Papers 回應文章

Reflections on a University Career Center in Guangzhou, China

Vincy J. SUN, Mantak YUEN, & Dengfeng HAO

Advancing Career Centers in Higher Education: Contextual and Strategic Considerations


Vol.18, No.1-2, Summer-Winter 2011

Special Issue: International Perspectives on Connectedness in Children and Adolescents


Editorial 編輯弁言

Fostering Connectedness and Life Skills Development in Children and Youth: International Perspectives

Mantak YUEN

Invited Papers 特邀文章

Enhancing Connectedness in Australian Children and Young People


Enhancing School Connectedness in Japan: The Role of Homeroom Teachers in Establishing a Positive Classroom Climate

Ayako ITO

Interrelationships Among Teacher Care, Students’ Life Skills Development, and Academic Achievement: Implications for School Guidance Work

Raymond M. C. CHAN, Patrick S. Y. LAU, & Mantak YUEN

Promoting Connectedness Through Developmental Interventions: Adapting the Cross-Age Mentoring Program (CAMP) for Youth in Asia

Michael J. KARCHER & KristiAnna T. SANTOS

Reaction Papers 回應文章

Teacher Wellness: An Important Issue in Fostering School Connectedness and Life Skills Development Among Students

Patrick S. Y. LAU, Queenie A. Y. LEE, & Hezul Tin-Yan NG

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