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  • Grandma Grandpa Cook 老爹媽思廚

Grandma Grandpa Cook 老爹媽思廚

Evelyna Liang (Concept), Michael Wolf (Photography)

English, Chinese , 2010/01 MCCM Creations

Tags: Cultural Studies

240 x 168 mm , 284pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-988-18583-9-9

  • US$25.50

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《老爹媽思廚》誌記了一群公公婆婆的下廚心得,這是他們對家庭與孩子女的無私奉獻,也是他們對香港飲食文化的貢獻。 本書收錄了四十多個真實的故事。諸位「老香港」在二次大戰前從內地到來港定居,書中既有他們盪鞦韆、野外奔跑的童年往事,也有他們戀愛、結婚的甜蜜回憶,也生動地憶述了他們在日治時期和六七年暴動時的生活點滴。 還有的是維繫著家人親情的傳統粵菜,像青紅蘿蔔湯、薑糖芋頭、糯米包等等。本書將這些菜譜一一列出,是為公公婆婆們對下一代的饋贈,也作為我們對這群長者的一番敬意。 Grandma Grandpa Cook is a celebration of the selfless devotion of grandmas and grandpas to their families and children, and their contribution to the cultural history of foodways in Hong Kong. A collection of 40 some authentic stories told by grandmas and grandpas who came to Hong Kong from China as settlers before the Second World War, this book is rich with their fond childhood memories of running around the fields and playing on swings, as well as memories of love and bonding. They also give vivid accounts everyday life during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong and the riots of 1967. However, all these fade into insignificance when food comes into the picture - traditional Cantonese dishes like carrot and green turnip soup, taro in ginger and brown sugar, and sticky rice dumplings, bring their loved ones close together. The recipes as told by the grandmas and grandpas themselves are as much a gift from them to the generations to come as a tribute to their contribution.

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