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  • Could the Soviet-Ukrainian and Lateran Models Work in China? (out of stock)

Could the Soviet-Ukrainian and Lateran Models Work in China? (out of stock)

New Geopolitical Concepts of Post-Westphalian Sovereignty for the Tibetan Question

Simon Shen

English , 2010/01 HKIAPS, Occasional Paper Series Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Tags: China Studies

215 x 140 mm , 32pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-962-441-211-6

  • US$2.50

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Triggered by the 50th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's exile from Tibet, the Tibet question has gained renewed world interest. By studying the possible points of overlapping interest between Beijing and Dharamsala, this paper puts forward a plausible new solution for the Tibet question. It does this by referencing two precedents in international relations that involve cleverly crafted reinterpretations of the traditional concept of sovereignty. They are the accession of the former Byelorussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics into the United Nations when they were still part of the Soviet Union, and the acknowledgement of the landless sovereignty of the Holy See by creating the Vatican State within Italy. Looking at whether modified versions of the two models might satisfy the criteria for compromise and be applicable to Tibet, this paper addresses the wider theoretical discussions that are ongoing in geopolities and political geography by exploring whether these proposals could lead to further development of the post-Westphalian concept of international relations. 書名:烏克蘭模型與拉特蘭模型在中國應用的可行性:從後威斯特裡法主權時代的新地緣概念看西藏問題 西藏精神領袖達賴喇嘛流亡海外五十週年後,西藏議題再次喚起世界關注。本文透過分析北京和達蘭薩拉的利益衝突,及引用兩個國際上重新審視傳統主權概念的先例(前烏克蘭和白俄羅斯加盟共和國以蘇聯成員國身分加入聯合國、義大利承認領土內羅馬教廷和梵蒂岡的主權),提出一個不同視角理解西藏問題,從而探討地緣政治和政治地理學的不同模型能否應用於西藏問題,並前瞻這些模型在國際關係的「後威斯特裡法時代」會否進一步發展。

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