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Voice & Verse (Issue 79, International poetry nights in Hong Kong Special Issue)


Edited by Bei Dao, Chris Song, Lucas Klein, Yiting He

English, Chinese, Bilingual , 2024/09 Musical Stone Publishing Ltd

Tags: Literature, Bilingual, Poetry

230 x 153 x 14 mm , 284pp ISBN / ISSN : 977-230-822-179-3

  • US$13.00

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Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine is a Hong Kong-based print poetry publication. In each issue, we publish Chinese-language poems and critique pieces on poetry. We also have a section of English-language poems.


《聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine》第79期目錄

Bei Dao    北島

Foreword: Sidetracks: Prologue/序:歧路行.序曲

Adonis    阿多尼斯

Between Your Eyes and Mine/你的眼睛和我之間

Seven Days/七日

True Beginning of Poetry/詩之初

I Said unto You/我對你們說過

A Homeland/祖國

King of the Winds/風的君王

To Sisyphus/致西西弗

I Imagine My Love/我想像我的愛情

How Can I Call What Is between Us a Past? /我怎麼稱呼我們之間過去的一切?

Will Alexander    威爾.亞歷山大

Visitation As Centigrade/聖母訪親如溫度

Possible Philosophical Fragment/可能的哲學斷想

Hieratic Oasis That Magnefies and.     Attracts/僧侶綠洲其首要是擴大和     吸引

Chronic Ecclesiastical Climate/慢性教會氣候


Fragment II/斷想二

Frank Báez    弗蘭克.巴埃茲

Brief Conversation with the Caribbean Sea /與加勒比海的簡短對話

Twelve Strophes for Giselle/致吉賽爾的十二節詩



Last Night I Dreamt I Was a DJ/昨夜我夢見自己是DJ

Chen Xianfa    陳先發

Seen in a Painting/丹青見

The Study of Logic from Dharma to Hui-Neng/從達摩到慧能的邏輯學研究

The Question of Raising Cranes/養鶴問題

Ode to a Withered Tree/枯樹賦

The Unspeakable Body/渺茫的本體

Cliffside Account/崖邊口佔

A Year in Passing/歲聿其逝

Matthew Ching-hang Cheng    鄭政恆

At the corner someone plays piano in the night/有人在黑夜的街角彈琴

Soul Music Concert/騷靈音樂會



Oakland Cemetary/奧克蘭墓園

Ana Mendieta/安娜曼蒂耶塔

God and Rabbit/神與兔子

Daniela Danz    丹妮雅拉.丹茲


Night tips into the dim room/夜色跌入暮色籠罩的房間


Come wilderness into our homes/來吧,荒野,闖入我們的家

Cascade of Joy/幸福的級聯

Cascade of Forgetting/遺忘的級聯

Cascade of Anger/憤怒的級聯

Jiang Tao    姜濤

Convalescent Associations/病後聯想

One Afternoon When I Was a Lecturer/一個作了講師的下午

A Day in the Cave/洞中一日

Things That Travel by Night/夜行的事物


Lesley Harrison    萊斯利.哈里森


From the journals of Marco Polo, Book II.83 

/選自《馬可波羅日記》,第 II.83 卷


From ‘Native Customs’/選自《原住民風俗》

The Snow Queen [extract]/《雪之女王》[節選]

Weather Reports You/天氣向你報告

Song Sang/歌

Msayo Koike    小池昌代



The Bus that May Never Come/永遠不來的公交車




Starchy Water/淘米水

Lü De’an    呂德安

Evening Rainfall/傍晚降雨

In Egypt/在埃及

Perhaps It Was a Chorus/也許是一次合唱

Still Missing a Step/還少一步

Feelings After Returning from Viewing Houses/看房子歸來有感而作

A Tree/一棵樹

Frost’s Descent/霜降

Lu Yating    路雅婷

500 Meters Ahead There are Many Who Do Not Yield to Pedestrians/前方 500 米有多個不禮讓行人

This Time Don’t Be Like Last Time/這次別再像上次那樣

New · Like a Dreamsong/新•如夢令

Back Home/回家

It’s Too Cold for Long Rides on the Red Rocking Horse/天已經冷得不適合長時間騎紅色彈簧馬


The General Sits in the General’s Chair/大將軍坐在大將軍椅上

Pearl in the Palm/掌上明珠

With Just a Loudspeaker, a Long and Winding Line of People, and a

QR Code on an Elevator Door, I Can Go Back to Last Winter. I’ve Already Come Back to Last Winter, So How Long Will It Take for You to Come Here? I’m Standing Next to the Red Rocking Horse in the Playground, and Will Probably Stay Here Until Five in the Afternoon./只要一個高音喇叭,一條歪歪扭扭的長隊,一張貼在電梯門外的二維碼,就能回到去年冬天。我已經回到去年冬天,你多久能來找我?我還站在遊樂場的紅色彈簧馬旁,大概站到下午五點。

Yvon Le Men    伊馮.勒芒

The Shore/岸

In the Park of the Temple of Heaven/天壇公園

In Front of the Forbidden City/紫禁城前

At Chengdu, in Du Fu’s House/成都,杜甫草堂

Olga Sedakova    奧爾嘉.謝達科娃

“Surely, Maria, it’s not just the frames creaking,”/瑪麗亞,難道只有窗扇在勉強支撐……

From “The Old Songs”/選自《老歌》

A Boy, an Old Man, and a Dog/男孩,老人與狗……

Mistress and Maidservant/女主人和女僕


Child Playing/下棋的小孩


From The Chinese Travelogue/中國行(組詩)

Wang Yin    王寅

I’ve Had Enough of Paris/巴黎已經令我心生厭倦

You Love Obscure Words/你偏愛冷僻的詞語

The Task of the Poet, Written in Vermont After Robert Bly/詩人的任務,在佛蒙特仿羅伯特.勃萊

To Say More Would Be Risky/說多了就是威脅

For a Moment We Can Lose Consciousness of Life and Death/此刻無須知曉生死

In the Darkness, Someone Is Playing Guitar/幽暗中的人彈著吉他


Eliot Weinberger    艾略特.溫伯格

The Life of Du Fu/杜甫的一生

Ya Shi    啞石

Entering the Hills/進山

Full Moon Night/滿月之夜

Eyes of Small Animals/小動物的眼睛

Stand of Wild Apple/野蘋果樹林

Guardian Angel/守護神

Cryptic Poem/晦澀詩

Axehead Poem/斧頭詩

Poison Poem/毒藥詩

Yu Lu    俞璐


The Self as a Porcupine/身為豪豬

Chris Song    宋子江


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