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  • Legends from the Swiss Alps 瑞士阿爾卑斯山的傳說

Legends from the Swiss Alps 瑞士阿爾卑斯山的傳說

Leung Ping-kwan , Andrea Reimenschnitter

English, Chinese , 2009/01

Tags: Cultural Studies

237 x 170 mm , 272pp ISBN / ISSN : 9789881858313

  • US$35.00

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Translation: students from the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Zurich, Leung Ping-kwawn (Chinese) and Helen Wallimann (English) 蘇黎世大學東亞研究所同學、梁秉鈞(中文)及海倫瓦莉曼(英文) Illustration: Julia Steiner 茱莉亞史泰拿 Essay on Swiss Alpine films by Natalie Bohler 妮坦莉波勒寫阿爾卑斯電影 阿爾卑斯山總予人「非常瑞士」的感覺。在這個經常被美化、典型化的國度裏, 山峰雲.繚繞,樹林陰森森的,青翠的草地裝點著野花;這兒有各種野獸,也有 孤零零的農舍,住著粗獷的農夫和成群的牛羊──無數的本土神話和傳說,就在這種環境中孕育出來。昔日,還傳聞神祇和鬼魅會在山中出沒呢。今天,阿爾卑 斯山開始城市化了,但人們卻以不同的方式去理解它,諸如:崇高感;原始的美麗、純樸和天真;自由奔放;活力與詭秘;連結著人的本性、靈魂與童年回憶;漫長的冬天、孤獨、壓抑、大自然的寂寥、純潔和救贖…… 在蘇黎世大學一個漢學課程中,一群瑞士學生一邊研習現代中國電影中的鬼魅世界,一邊探討瑞士的高山傳說。本書收錄了七十五個傳說,引領讀者進入這個想像與現實並存、奇幻而多采的瑞士高山世界。 The Alps have always been the prime icon of Swissness. Often idealized or aestheticized, this world of high peaks shrouded in clouds, of dark forests and verdant flower-studded meadows, of wild animals and isolated chalets with their rugged peasants and cows and goats has generated a wealth of local myths and legends. In the past the mountains were still the haunt of spirits and demons. With today's urbanization the Alpine world is perceived in different ways ─ as a sublime, unspoiled world of beauty, purity and innocence, the realm of freedom, a field of energy and mysticism; as a link to one's true nature, to one's childhood; or as a place of long winters, loneliness, depression, but also purity and redemption. Collected by Swiss students of Chinese at the University of Zurich as a pendant to their study of the ghost world in modern Chinese films, the seventy-five legends published in this collection entertainingly reveal the fascinating co-existence of the real and the imaginary in the Swiss Alpine world.

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