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  • Rightist Li Sheng Zhao’s Hunger Report 右派李盛照的飢餓報告 (Out of stock)

Rightist Li Sheng Zhao’s Hunger Report 右派李盛照的飢餓報告 (Out of stock)

Xie Yihui 謝貽卉

Chinese , 2012/01

Tags: China Studies, Politics

  • US$15.00

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《Rightist Li Sheng Zhao『s Hunger Report》Li Sheng Zhao was born in a landlord family in Sichuan. He used to be a soldier, and then became a student in the Department of Economics at Sichuan University in the spring of 1961. After he became a rightist, Mr. Li was escorted to his hometown of Long Chang County in Sichuan province. He observed that people were dying with hunger in his way to hometown. With his investigative experience in army, Mr. Li was called for conscience and justice, and started a private investigation. He braved the risk of death to write this hunger report to the central party committee leaders, requesting them to take measures to save the country. Although he received a reply from Ma Yin Chu, the former president of Peking University, and Deng Zi Hui, the former vice premier of the State Council, this did not prevent him from becoming a counter-revolutionary and getting into jail for 18 years. This film presents the rightist Li Sheng Zhao's courage to tell the truth, his strength and insistence, and his rational analysis of the human-made disaster in fifty years ago.

他出身於地主家庭,曾經是個軍人、學生。1961年春天,青年李盛照由四川大學經濟系學生成為右派後,被押解回到他的家鄉四川省隆昌縣,一路上耳聞目睹家鄉人民因為飢餓不斷慘死的悲劇,有過偵察員經歷的他,聽從良知和正義的呼喚,秘密展開調查,並冒死將飢餓死亡調查報告上書至黨中央各級領導,呼籲他們採取措施,拯救國家民族的命運。然而,縱然有原北大校長馬寅初、原國務院副總理鄧子恢的回信,卻沒有阻止他成為反革命的厄運,等待他的是隨後長達十八年的監禁。 本片呈現的是右派李盛照說真話的勇氣,他的堅定的堅持,以及五十年前他對這場人為災難的理性分析。

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