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  • Father 父親(Out of stock)

Father 父親(Out of stock)

Cao Wen 曹斐

Chinese , 2005/01

Tags: China Studies, People

  • US$18.00

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The film is for the 1st Moscow Biennale. The director's father, Cao Chongen, is a famous sculpture artist. Ever since his juvenile time, he has been engaged in producing the sculptures of those who were the exemplars in industry, agriculture and military, together with the political and cultural figures as well as the leaders of Communist Party. In order to celebrate the centenary anniversary of Deng Xiaoping, he was assigned by a former revolutionary base in Guangxi Province a full length sculpture of young Deng Xiaoping, particular the "A Journey of Deng Xiaoping's footprints" was put forward as a tourism brand of Red Classic. Following Father's sculpture, the director stepped on this Red Journey. With the giant sculpture stands erect, a relationship between Father's artist ideal and present reality was unfolded evidently to the furthest.

《父親》是曹斐應莫斯科雙年展的邀請而拍攝的紀錄作品。曹斐的父親—著名雕塑家曹崇恩,從年輕時就開始從事工農兵英雄模範,政治文化人物及黨的領袖人物的雕塑創作。時值鄧小平誕辰一百周年,父親受委託為江西省百色起義紀念堂雕塑鄧小平雕像, 當地還推出了“鄧小平足跡之旅”的紅色經典旅遊品牌。導演跟隨著父親的這尊雕塑踏上了這條紅色之旅。父親的藝術理想與今天現實的某種關係被最大程度得凸現了。《父親》就是紀錄了這次雕像的過程。

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