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  • The Folk Song on the Plain 平原上的山歌(Out of stock)

The Folk Song on the Plain 平原上的山歌(Out of stock)

Hu Jie 胡傑

Chinese , 2001/01

Tags: China Studies, Marriage

  • US$10.00

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The song was sung by Luo Xiaojia, who was abducted as a 17-year-old girl and trafficked from the Yi nationality region of Yunnan to Shandong province where she was forced to marry a young peasant. The film recorded her family life in Shandong and her longing for her far away hometown, which caused her to reflect on the uncertainties of fate. Finally after ten years living in Shandong, she was allowed to go home for the first time. She traveled the long journey and returned to Yunnan, seeing her mother, whom she had missed for so many days and nights. She struggled over the decision: whether to go back to Shandong or stay in Yunnan. Sadly she decided to return to Shandong accompanied by her mother's sad folk songs.

一首山歌在山東平原上回蕩,這是 17 歲就被拐賣到山東平原的雲南彝族少女羅小佳的歌聲,現在她已經在山東農村生活了七年。來山東後她被迫嫁給一個年輕的農民,並領到了結婚證。本片紀錄了她在陌生的山東農村的家庭生活和她對家鄉的思念以及她對命運的看法。羅小佳來山東省的第十個年頭,她終於爭取到回家的權力。經過 4000 公里的旅程,她回到了故鄉雲南,看到了日夜思念的母親。留在雲南的家裏,還是回到山東的家,她陷入了矛盾之中。最後她讓母親為她唱了很多山歌,她帶著那些悲涼的山歌又返回了山東。

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