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  • Before The Flood 淹沒

Before The Flood 淹沒

Li Yi Fan 李一凡, Yan Yu 鄢雨

Chinese , 2004/01

Tags: China Studies, Immigration

  • US$18.00

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In order to build the world's largest hydroelectric dam, the area surrounding the Tree gorges will be turned into the world's largest reservoir. Beginning in 2003 and to be completely filled by 2009, the flooding will wipe towns, villages, fertile land, archeological sites and natural sights located along the Yangtze River off the map forever. Even Fengjie, famous for being the home of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, will disappear under the waves. This film faithfully follows the whole devastating process as the advancing waters submerge Fengjie in the first trial flooding in 2002. It relates the story of an ex-volunteer soldier owner of a coolie hostel who is about to lose his livelihood and the story of a Protestant parish in decline because its members are slowly moving away. It also relates the stories of the cadres in charge of the resettlement and the subsequent erupting disputes and emotional turmoil.

本片忠實紀錄了 2002 年為保證三峽水庫第一次蓄水成功,在水位上漲前,奉節老縣城搬遷毀滅的全過程。紀錄了一位元開苦力旅店的志願軍老人即將失去生活無靠的無奈,一座基督教教堂為搬遷的利益而喪失信仰的過程,以及一群移民幹部和一群城市貧民在搬遷、拆除舊城過程中種種無法回避的矛盾糾葛和痛苦的內心掙扎。

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