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  • (Out of Stock) Odds and Sods

(Out of Stock) Odds and Sods

Lawrence Gray

English , 2013/11 Proverse Hong Kong

Tags: Fiction

210 x 148 mm , 224pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-988-8227-16-7

  • US$22.00

Out Of Stock

The story, “The One Legged Rickshaw Boy” illustrates Gray's view of the absurdities of the film and TV world. Lawrence Gray’s short stories and texts were written as the antidote to his screenwriting, and in ODDS AND SODS he allows himself to have fun with words alone. Characters in this world change their lives as if they are changing their clothes. They view reality as a shifting negotiation between moments of insanity. And when they want to fly like a great crane across the face of the moon, they take flight without reference to budgets.  Gray buries the conventions of one form of writing within those of another. French farce clashes with Chinese opera. Science fiction translates into Chinese fairy tales. Sitcom meets Shakespeare. The lyrics of Blues songs create narratives for the lives of those attempting to recreate them musically. Literary greats turn up as bit part players. Samuel Taylor Coleridge mingles with Punjabi Rap artists. Tang Xianzu of the Ming Dynasty bumps into George Feydeau. Antonin Artaud has a walk on part, and if one wants to look, one can find Julian of Norwich, medieval mystic, stealing pencils in the dark. And he makes Hong Kong’s chequered history cool!

LAWRENCE GRAY has worked as a television scriptwriter in the UK and Singapore, contributing episodes to popular TV series. Born and educated in the UK (Leeds University), he has lived in Hong Kong for twenty years. He founded the London Screenwriters Workshop; this became Europe’s largest screenwriters' organisation before evolving into the many UK screenwriting organisations and courses now part of the UK cultural environment. In Hong Kong he founded the Hong Kong Writers' Circle and chaired the group for twenty years, publishing many collections of stories from a wide variety of Hong Kong writers. Gray has taught screenwriting in various cities around the world, and was one of the first to professionalize the industry. He has written, produced and directed a number of films in both English and Cantonese, and has worked on numerous screenplays for various film projects from India to China to Hollywood. He has won the PAWS award for drama and the Hong Kong Film Finance Forum's award for best Hong Kong film project of the year. He is currently directing a feature film.

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