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  • Reconstructing the Democratic Discourses in Taiwan

Reconstructing the Democratic Discourses in Taiwan

A Q Methodological Approach

Timothy Ka-ying Wong, Milan Tung-wen Sun

English , 1999/01 HKIAPS, Occasional Paper Series Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CUHK

Tags: Politics

215 x 140 mm , 40pp ISBN / ISSN : 9789624410976

  • US$4.50

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Reconstructing the Democratic Discourses in Taiwan: A Q Methodological Approach This study reconstructs Taiwan people's existing discursive structures on democracy by replicating Dryzek and Berejikian's Q methodological study of American democratic discourses. We find that under the existing specific historical circumstances, Taiwan people's democratic attitudes manifest a complex, pluralistic and interrelated discursivity, in which at least five democratic discourses can be identified, namely democratic pragmatism, democratic communitarianism, democratic liberalism, democratic elitism and democratic populism. Yet, among these five discourses, there exists a number of commonly held views. In particular, they all accept democratic pluralism, reject communism and violence, believe in the fallibility of state leaders and the necessity to limit government power, and are optimistic about the future democratic development in Taiwan. This broad consensus reflects the specific historical experience of Taiwan people's democratic pursuit on the one hand and provides a broad common ground for dialogue and interaction among the five discourses on the other. These findings should significantly enrich our understanding of the democratic theorizing in Taiwan and serve as a basis for future comparison with the American as well other countries' experiences.

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