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  • (Out of Stock) In Time of War

(Out of Stock) In Time of War

Lt. Cmdr. Henry C.S. Collingwood-Selby, R.N. (1898-1992) and Others

By Lt. Cmdr. Henry C.S. Collingwood-Selby, R.N. (1898-1992) Transcribed by Richard Collingwood-Selby (Chile). Edited by Richard Collingwood-Selby (Chile) and Gillian Bickley (Hong Kong)

English , 2013/11 Proverse Hong Kong

Tags: Biography

210 x 148 mm , 448pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-988-8167-36-4

  • US$28.00

Out Of Stock

In Time of War is a compilation of materials mostly written by Lt. Cmdr. Henry C.S. Collingwood-Selby, R.N. (1898-1992). They have been transcribed by his son, Richard Collingwood-Selby, O.B.E. and edited by himself (in Chile) and Gillian Bickley (in Hong Kong)


The book shows how a British naval officer, confined during the Second World War as a Prisoner of War in Hong Kong under Japanese Occupation, engaged his mind during those three and a half years. There are talks he gave to other POWs, drawings and essays. Transcripts from his diary for the year immediately before the Fall of Hong Kong provide fascinating insights, as do correspondence with family and friends and official documents. Photographs and narratives relating to his previous time with the Chinese Maritime Customs Service and descriptions from the time of the Japanese occupation of Kiukiang on the Chinese Mainland provide unusual first-hand information.

Editor Richard Collingwood-Selby was born in 1933 in Kuling, China, brought up in the U.K. and the U.S.A., educated at Bryanston and Oxford. He then surprised his friends and relations by going off to teach English in Chile for three years. He is still there 55 years later, with a Chilean wife, three children and three grandchildren.

            Most of those 55 years have been devoted to education. During 38 of them he headed an independent school that he and his wife founded. At diverse times he founded or co-founded two national associations of schools, chaired the United World Colleges national committee and introduced the English-Speaking Union into Chile. Towards the end of his career he helped to set up another school, as an off-shoot of the original, but this one for children from underprivileged families.

            Although semi-retired for ten years, Richard is still an active member of the boards of governors of the two schools mentioned. He is an enthusiastic proponent of education as a developer of human qualities, not only the intellect, and as an eventual corrector of the inequalities of society.

Editor Gillian Bickley has lived mainly in Hong Kong since 1970. Her published work includes several books with a Hong Kong focus and presently she is a Vice-President of the Royal Asiatic Society (Hong Kong Branch).

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