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  • 第二屆二十世紀香港天主教會歷史研討會論文集 Proceedings of the Second Conference on the History of the Hong Kong Catholic Church in the 20th Century

第二屆二十世紀香港天主教會歷史研討會論文集 Proceedings of the Second Conference on the History of the Hong Kong Catholic Church in the 20th Century

香港中文大學天主教研究中心 編

Chinese , 2025/01 Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK

Tags: Religious Studies

229 x 159 mm , 334pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-988-79921-4-1

  • US$14.00

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Dr. Vicky LEE(李美琪博士)is an External Consultant at the Holistic Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, the Hong Kong Baptist University, and an honorary research associate at the Centre for Catholic Studies, CUHK. Her research covers issues relating to race, interracial families, hybridity, mixed identities and autobiographical writings in colonial Hong Kong and China.

Fr. Sergio TICOZZI(田英傑神父) is a missionary of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions. Before his retirement, he was a senior researcher at the Holy Spirit Study Centre. He is still a prolific writer.

M° Aurelio PORFIRI(龐保頤先生)is a composer, conductor, educator and musicologist from Rome. He has published more than 40 books, including the Chinese edition of Forever I will Sing: A Short History of Catholic Sacred Music.

Dr. LAM Sui Ki Anthony(林瑞琪博士) obtains his Ph.D. in Communication from Renmin University of China and is currently a part-time Assistant Professor at the Department of Journalism and Communication, Shue Yan University, Hong Kong.

Mr. HUI Ka Long Aaron(許家朗先生)received a BSc in Public Health from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), a Master of Medical Sciences from the University of Hong Kong and an MA in Comparative and Public History from CUHK. Seemingly a jack-of-all-trades with an inter-disciplinary academic background, Aaron should be more suitably seen as a master of none. Aaron has a keen interest in Hong Kong history and colonial history.

Mr. YU Ka Ho(余嘉浩先生)received his MPhil in History from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is a researcher at the Diocesan Working Committee for "Following Thy Way" and is the co-author of Follow in the Missionary Footsteps: The Evolution of the Catholic Mission in Sai Kung 1841- 2000.

鄧明輝先生(Mt. Matthew TANG)是粉嶺聖若瑟堂的教友,亦是聖芳濟各書院的副校長、歷史和宗教科老師。他對歷史研究有濃厚興趣,曾為聖若瑟堂的周年特刊撰寫堂區歷史,對粉嶺這座鄉村教堂的演變和傳教歷史十分熟悉。

黃懿縈博士(Dr. Bibiana WONG)是台灣天主教輔仁大學宗教學博士,中央研究院近代史研究所博士後研究學者,研究興趣為中國天主教近代史與政教關係,著有《曇花一現:天主教教務協進委員會與中國文化傳教事業(1947-1951)》英文專書及多篇期刊論文。

陳婉貞女士(Ms. Rose Y. C. CHAN)是香港中文大學宗教研究文學碩士,意大利羅馬傳信大學宗教學學士。她是《猜.情.尋》的作者之一,也是2004年至今天主教香港教區文物室其中一位義工。

李麗萍女士(Ms. Amy Lai Ping LI)在1985年參加聖母軍至今。於1988-1994年擔任聖母軍督察區團團長。曾任聖母軍支團職員,現在是支團的活動團員。

鍾炳基先生(Mr. Anthony P CHUNG)早年曾是天主教大專聯會幹事,移民加拿大後,一直從事公教教育工作,現已退休。他於2015年出版自己撰寫的《福傳萬家——六位香港神父的故事》,記下六位受訪神父的傳教經歷。本次論文是他對此書的回顧及自己信仰生活的回憶。

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