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The Yale-China Association

The Yale-China Association's long legacy of work in China places it among the premier American organ..


The Rise and Changing Nature of Taiwanese Nationalism

In the context of the on-going complex political interaction between Taiwan and mainland China, this..


State-owned Enterprises Reform in China

One of the important ingredients of Deng Xiaoping's reform programme of the late 1970s was the estab..


Recurrent Education and Lifelong Learning

In the modern, rapidly changing society it is difficult, not to say impossible, to predict what spec..


Public Sector Reform in Hong Kong

Driven by the “new public management” orientation and the impact of globalization, public sector ref..


Political Development in the HKSAR

The summer of 2000 has been described as a "summer of unrest". The Hong Kong community was..


Os Sonetos de Antero de Quental

The original title is Os Sonetos de Antero de Quental: Uma Leitura do Budismo Indiano. The present w..


Indicators of Social Development

This book presents the findings of the sixth territory-wide Social Indicators Survey conducted large..


Ibsen in China 1908-1997

Ibsen has been considered by many literary historians as the most important source, besides Goethe, ..


Hong Kong's Journey to Reunification (Hardcover)

Chung Sze-yuen is not only a veteran politician in Hong Kong, but an important figure in the develop..


Hong Kong's Journey to Reunification

Chung Sze-yuen is not only a veteran politician in Hong Kong, but an important figure in the develop..


High Performance Schools

Combining universal access to school with excellence has been a historic dilemma in U.S. schools. Th..


Growth without Catching Up

In this paper we attempt to enrich the literature on the diversity of the East Asian experience by f..


Grammar and Discourse

Grammar and Discourse is a collection of seminal papers delivered in the International Conference on..


Gospel Writing and Church Politics

In this expanded version of the Chuen King Lecture in 2000, Theissen enlarges on our understanding o..


From Manufacturing Cross-Border Operations to Regional Economic Integration

1987 represents a turning point in Hong Kong's manufacturing production in terms of its input-output..


City Women

THE SOCIOPOLITICAL so·ci·o·po·li·ti·cal adj. Involving both social and political factors. sociopolit..


Blessings of Babel (Out of stock)

This paper outlines the nature of the primary linguistic activities of listening and speaking and th..


An Encyclopaedia of Translation

The compilation of this encyclopaedia was prompted by the growth of translation as an academic subje..


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