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  • 60 Chinese Poems in English Verse 英韻唐詩六十首

60 Chinese Poems in English Verse 英韻唐詩六十首

Andrew W. F. Wong 黃宏發 翻譯/朗誦

Bilingual , 2021/07

Tags: Poetry

197 x 197 x 19 mm , 186pp ISBN / ISSN : 978-988-75342-0-4

  • US$19.50

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This book by Andrew W.F. Wong (the last President of Hong Kong's Legislative Council before sovereignty reverted in 1997 to China ) is a collection of 60 Tang Dynasty (618–907) Chinese 4-line poems (quatrains) he has rendered in verse form into English. These are all new translations. The English verse form he has chosen is that of  “accentual verse” (much like that of hymns, ballads, and nursery rhymes) which counts only the stressed syllables for the rhythm and length of the poetic lines. This has made his renditions melodious to the English ear — English being an accentual language, so must its verse be. Melody and rhythmicity are further enhanced by his end-rhyming lines 1, 2, and 4 or just lines 2 and 4, and the provision of a pause in or near the middle of the line. Just listen to his reading of any of these poems, particularly one of 6-beat or 7-beat lines, to experience the music of this poetry. Please the QR Code on the top right-hand corner to gain access. 

前香港立法局主席(1995-1997) 黃宏發教授退出政壇後,自2008年起潛心翻譯唐詩宋詩,在個人網站上每月上載一首譯詩,所譯詩詞已逾百首。

今年他精選60首唐詩結集成中英對照譯詩集”60 Chinese Poems in English Verse”《英韻唐詩六十首》,於第31屆香港書展2021首次發售,將於親臨商務印書館、榆林書店、樂文書店-銅鑼灣及明思出版公司舉行簽名活動,與讀者交流。

全書分「山水時節」、「情之所至」、「入世出世」及「時空遠隔」四章,涵蓋唐詩常見的詠物、思人、思鄉、懷古、反戰等題材 :

• 山水時節 : 14首描寫山水和季節之美的詩;

• 情之所至 : 24首寫友情、別情、旅情、愛慕之情、閨中幽情的詩

• 入世出世 : 8首寫為民請命或遁世歸隱的詩

• 時空遠隔 : 14首寫鄉愁、懷古、塞外、征戰的詩

英詩是所謂 accentual verse,以重音來創造節奏和劃分音步,讀者不妨掃描每詩的QR code,細聽黃宏發親自朗誦,自能領會譯詩的音樂美。

Andrew W.F. Wong, 黃宏發 Huang Hongfa, born in Shanghai 1943 , grew up in Hong Kong. Read English and Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong, then Public Administration at Syracuse University. Co-founded in 1970 the Department of Government & Public Administration at The Chinese University of Hong Kong where he taught for more than 30 years. Member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (elected 1985) where he served for some 20 years and elected President of that Council for 1995 to 1997. Retired in 2004 from both teaching and politics. He is now totally immersed in the translation of classical Chinese poems into English verse.

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