Call for Papers

An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China


The China Review is a continuation of the China Review, an annual publication of The Chinese University Press since 1990. It publishes twice a year in April and October since 2001 and in triannual starting from 2016; a scholarly journal covering various disciplines of study on Greater China and its people, namely, domestic politics and international relations; society, business and economic development; modern history, the arts and cultural studies.

Teachers, scholars, researchers, journalists and students interested in the developments of China will find this publication a comprehensive and indispensable tool.
Indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Bibliographic Databases, Current Geographical Publications, International Political Science Abstracts, Journal of Economic Literature, MLA International Bibliography, Bibliography of Asian Studies, Social Scisearch and Enterpreneurship Research Engine.

The China Review is also available online via ProQuest Asia Business & Reference, Project MUSE and JSTOR For more information about the journal, please visit



Wang shaoguang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Lin Ying, The Chinese University Press

Ye Minlei, The Chinese University Press
Yuan Zaijun, The Chinese University Press

Gregory Chow, Princeton University; Howard Goldblatt, University of Notre Dame; Ambrose Y. C. King, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Nicholas R. Lardy, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Nan Lin, Duke University; Thomas G. Rawski, University of Pittsburgh; Vivienne Shue, University of Oxford; Vaclav Smil, University of Manitoba; William Tay, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Tu Wei-ming, Peking University; Ezra F. Vogel, Harvard University; Andrew G. Walder, Stanford University; Wang Gungwu, National University of Singapore; Yeung Yue-man, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Ying-shih Yü, Princeton University

Kam Wing Chan, University of Washington; Roger C. K. Chan, University of Hong Kong; *Albert H. Y. Chen, University of Hong Kong; Chen Jian, New York University Shanghai; Chen Yung-fa, Academia Sinica; Yun-han Chu, National Taiwan University; Deborah Davis, Yale University; Arif Dirlik, University of Oregon; Gan Yang, Sun Yet-sen University; Hamashita Takeshi, Sun Yet-sen University; *Chang-tai Hung, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Qingguo Jia, Peking University; Kuan Hsin-chi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Y. Y. Kueh, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lau Chong Chor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Lau Siu-kai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; David D. Li, Tsinghua University; Li Shi, Beijing Normal University; Li Si-ming, Hong Kong Baptist University; Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University; Hanlong Lu, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences; Xiaobo L_, Columbia University; Bonnie S. McDougall, The University of Sydney; Barry Naughton, University of California, San Diego; *Shen Jianfa, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Kang Shi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Alvin Y. So, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Yun-wing Sung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; *Kwok-kan Tam, Open University of Hong Kong; *Tsui Kai Yuen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Xi Chao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Wang Xi, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Christine P. Wong, The University of Melbourne; Wong Siu-lun, University of Hong Kong; Wu Fengshi, Nanyang Technological University; *Wu Xiaogang, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Geng Xiao, Fung Global Institute; Xin Chunying, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Yan Xiaojun, University of Hong Kong; Zhao Quansheng, American University; Zhou Xueguang, Stanford University

*Executive Members



General Paper
The China Review welcomes the submission of high-quality research articles, research notes and book reviews dealing with the political, economic, and social aspects of modern and contemporary China. Research article manuscripts should not be longer than 10,000 words in length. Research notes should normally be 3,000 words, and book reviews between 800 and 1,000 words. They should be submitted in electronic format, double-spaced, with footnotes grouped together at the end of the paper. The style of the text and footnotes should conform to those used in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition, 2010). The China Review does not accept manuscripts that have already been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts will be refereed by external readers.

State of the field review
The China Review invite scholars at the forefront of China Studies to survey and synthesize Sinophone research literature in their respective areas of interest, whether in economics, arts, geography, literature, history, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, communications, public administration, or any other of the established academic fields. Ideally, the body of research under review should be substantive enough to warrant a review, yet not too bulky to render a concise and revealing review exceedingly ambitious. For instance, the first article published in this issue is a focused exploration of the intergovernmental fiscal transfer system in China. (for more information)

Style Guide
The China Review welcomes the submission of high-quality research articles, research notes and book reviews dealing with the political, economic, social, and historical aspects of modern and contemporary China. Manuscripts submitted for publication must comply with the following guidelines:

  1. Submission: Articles to be considered for publication should be sent in electronic format with an abstract (150–200 words) printed on a separate page. If an electronic copy cannot be sent for review, three hard copies alone may be sent with the author’s name omitted for the purpose of anonymity (though an electronic copy will be necessary if the article is approved for publication). Research articles should not be longer than 10,000 words (including endnotes). Research notes should normally be approximately 3,000 words (including endnotes), and book reviews between 800 and 1,000 words.

  2. Copyright: The Journal does not accept manuscripts that have already been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts will be reviewed by external readers.

  3. Romanization: The romanization of Chinese words in the journal follows the pinyin form, except for names (or other proper nouns) which are commonly written in other forms (e.g. place-names long familiar in the Western world, names listed in Webster’s New Geographical Dictionary, etc.).

  4. Chinese Characters: For all Chinese terms and names (except extremely well-known terms/names such as Mao Zedong), the corresponding Chinese characters should be included in the first occurrence of the term (for both the text and tables/charts, though NOT in the notes). Diacritical or tonal marks are not necessary when using pinyin or other romanized forms of Chinese. Pinyin should be capitalized for proper names of people and places, and the first word of a title in pinyin should be capitalized. Pinyin spacing should attempt to balance ideological coherence and readability, e.g. 國際關係 guoji guanxi, 點石齋畫報 dianshizhai huabao, etc.

  5. Tables and Figures: All tables and figures should be clearly numbered and typed separately at the end of the chapter with an indication in the text where it should be placed such as “Table 1 placed here.” The size and font of such tables should take into account the journal’s physical dimensions of 14 x 21 cm.

  6. Notes: All notes should appear at the end of the text of the article on a separate sheet of paper labeled “Notes.” Within the text, only a sequential superscript number should be indicated at the proper place. Other common practices, such as putting a name, date, page (e.g. Cheng, 1998: 121) in the text and reference list at the end of the chapter is not acceptable. For multiple references to a single work within the notes, a shortened form of the title may be included to save space (e.g. Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain may be shortened to Fox Volant). Names should be consistent with the style in which it appeared on the original publication. Western style should normally be applied for all names (given name then surname); for persons with both Chinese and English given names the order should be Western given name, Chinese given name then surname. However, names should be written in the Chinese style (surname then given name) if the article quoted is published in Chinese. Note references to interviews should include the names of interviewer and interviewee, location of the interview, and the day, month, and year.

  7. Spelling: Spelling should generally follow Webster’s New World Dictionary (primarily American-style spelling).

  8. Numbers: Numbers from one to ten should be spelled out. Numbers from eleven onward should be written in number (i.e. 11) form. When writing percentages the term “per cent” should be written out in the text, but the symbol “%” may be used in notes. Page references should be written as follows: p. 21, pp. 123–132. Dates should be as 1 January 2000, 11 February 2005, etc.

    Below are some examples for endnotes:

    (i) Victor Nee, “A Theory of Market Transition: From Redistribution to Markets in State Socialism,” American Sociological Review, Vol. 54, No. 4 (1989), pp. 663–681.

    (ii) An Yuanchao, “Woguo gongren jieji duiwu jiazhi guannian bianhua de diaocha” (An Investigation of Value Changes of Working Class People in Our Country), Dangdai sichao (Contemporary Thoughts), No. 2 (1997), p. 37.

    (iii) Yunxiang Yan, The Flow of Gifts (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996), pp. 55–57.

    (iv) Chong Chor Lau, “The Chinese Family and Gender Roles in Transition,” in China Review 1993, edited by Joseph Yu-shek Cheng and Maurice Brosseau (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1993), p. 201.

  9. Biographical Note: Each contributor is requested to provide a short biographical note (research interests, current post, major publications, etc.) of 50 to 60 words.

All contributions for publication and books for review should be sent to:
The China Review Editorial Board, The Chinese University Press
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong, China 
Fax: (852) 2603 7355. Email: